针对你的问题,我将从理解Boost Stacktrace库的功能、在CMakeLists.txt中配置Boost Stacktrace、启用行号支持、编写示例代码以及根据测试结果调整CMake配置和代码这几个方面来详细解答。 1. 理解Boost Stacktrace库的功能 Boost Stacktrace库是Boost库中的一个组件,它提供了一种便捷的方式来捕获和打印程序的调用栈信息。这...
Document build options and use windbg_cached in Boost::stacktrace in … Jan 29, 2025 d408cf4·Jan 29, 2025 History 539 Commits .github/workflows build doc example include/boost meta src test .gitattributes CMakeLists.txt README.md boost-stacktrace-features.jam ...
I'm building this program based on the first example in the documentation: #define BOOST_STACKTRACE_USE_ADDR2LINE #include <boost/stacktrace.hpp> #include <iostream> void bar(int n) { if (n <= 0) { // ... somewhere inside the `bar(int)` function that is called recursively: std::...
BuildRequires: boost-stacktrace boost-system boost-test boost-thread boost-timer Obsoletes: boost-signals %description Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library. In order to establish "existing ...
e.printStackTrace(); } driver.quit(); }publicstaticAndroidDriver<MobileElement>getFlutterDriver() { System.out.println("getFlutterDriver"); DesiredCapabilities flutterCapabilities=newDesiredCapabilities(); flutterCapabilities.setCapability("platformName", "Android"); ...
e.printStackTrace(); } Log.d(TAG, "testDESFireFormat, result is " + res); Log.d(TAG, "testDESFireFormat, End"); } } 上面的代码是skjobler从外部nfc api中获取的示例(https://github.com/skjolber/external-nfc-api). 每当我在android手机上运行示例文件中的代码时,就会出现一个特定的错误。
ex.printStackTrace(); } } (3)DOM的document和JDOM的Document之间的相互转换使用方法,简单! DOMBuilder builder=newDOMBuilder(); org.jdom.Document jdomDocument=builder.build(domDocument); DOMOutputter converter=newDOMOutputter();//work with the JDOM document… ...
boolean validate( Object o ) { try { return( ! ( ( Connection ) o ).isClosed() ); } catch( SQLException e ) { e.printStackTrace(); return( false ); } } That’s it for internal functionality. JDBCConnectionPool will allow the application to borrow and return database connections ...