提供高效的 STL 容器替代品,专注于嵌入式系统的内存优化,例如 boost::flat_map 和boost::stable_vector。 12. Boost.Context 提供低级别的上下文切换支持,用于用户级线程和协程的实现。 13. Boost.Conversion 提供类型转换的工具,允许更灵活的类型间转换操作。 14. Boost.Coroutine 基于Boost.Context 实现的协程库,...
boost::container::stable_vector 在 boost/container/stable_vector.hpp 中定义。 Boost.Container 提供的其他容器是 boost::container::flat_set、boost::container::flat_map、boost::container::slist 和 boost::container::static_vector: boost::container::flat_set 和 boost::container::flat_map 类似于 s...
4. 时间日期处理:Boost.Date_Time模块提供了对时间日期进行解析、格式化和计算的函数和类。 5. 容器扩展:Boost.Container模块提供了各种扩展容器类型,如flat_map、stable_vector等。 6. 数学计算:Boost.Math模块提供了各种数学计算函数,如特殊函数、随机数生成器等。 7. 序列化与反序列化:Boost.Serialization模块提供...
boost::container::stable_vector behaves similarly to std::vector, except that if boost::container::stable_vector is changed, all iterators and references to existing elements remain valid. This is possible because elements aren't stored contiguously in boost::container::stable_vector. It is still...
#9801: "I can no longer create and iterator_range from a stable_vector". #9915: "Documentation issues regarding vector constructors and resize methods - value/default initialization". #9916: "Allocator propagation incorrect in the assignment operator of most". #9931: "flat_map::insert(or...
Example 20.2. Usingboost::container::stable_vector #include<boost/container/stable_vector.hpp>#include<iostream>usingnamespaceboost::container;intmain(){ stable_vector<int> v(2,1);int&i = v[1]; v.erase(v.begin());std::cout<< i <<'\n'; ...
Add vector_body span, string, vector bodies are public Fix spurious uninitialized warning fields temp string uses allocator API Changes: Add message::keep_alive() Add message::chunked() and message::content_length() Remove string_view_body Actions Required: Change user defined implementations of ...
{ return length * width; }; }; struct House { House() = default; boost::optional<Room> bedroom; boost::optional<Room> kitchen; boost::optional<Room> livingroom; std::map<std::string, std::vector<Object>> getObjects() { std::map<std::string, std::vector<Object>> out; if (...
AutoGPT10Programming/Writing25kA Super Powerful GPT that's designed to automate your work, including complete an entire project, writing a complete book, etc. Just 1 click, 100 times the response.AutoGPTprompt(The prompt is urgly and not stable now, let's improve it together!) ...
#include <fstream> #include <boost/application.hpp> using namespace boost; // my application code class myapp { public: myapp(application::context& context) : context_(context) { } void worker() { // my application behaviour // dump args std::vector<std::string> arg_vector = context_...