As the example above, region writes the number 99 to the beginning of the shared memory. region2 the reads the same location in shared memory and writes the number to the standard ouptu stream. Even though region and region2 represent different memory areas within the process, the program ...
#include <cstdlib> // 定义共享内存的名称和大小 const char* SharedMemoryName = "SharedMemoryExample"; const std::size_t SharedMemorySize = 1024; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { using namespace boost::interprocess; // 创建或打开共享内存对象 shared_memory_object shm(argc > ...
1.shared_ptr 解析:shared_ptr是一种计数指针,当引用计数变为0时,shared_ptr所指向的对象将会被删除。如下所示: void test() { shared_ptr p1(new int); // 计数为1 { shared_ptr p2(p1); // 计数为2 { shared_ptr p2(p1); // 计数为3 } // 计数为2 } // 计数为1 } // 计数为0,同时...
You can just allocate a portion of a shared memory segment, copy the message to that buffer, send the offset of that portion of shared memory to another process, and you are done. Let's see the example: 你只需要分配共享内存段中的一块,将message拷贝到那里,将共享内存中该块的偏移地址发送给...
The class that allows this complex structures in shared memory is calledboost::interprocess::managed_shared_memoryand it's easy to use. Just execute this example without arguments: 允许在共享内存创建复杂结构的类是boost::interprocess::managed_shared_memory, 它很容易使用,只需不带参数执行这个例子: ...
// ostream_iterator example #include <iostream> // std::cout #include <iterator> // std::ostream_iterator #include <vector> // std::vector #include <algorithm> // std::copy intmain() { std::vector<int> myvector; for(int i=1; i<10; ++i) myvector.push_back(i*10); ...
boost 库中不单单这一种智能指针类型。但只有 shared_ptr 是最接近普通指针的一种智能指针,他具有一些非常良好的特性,比如计数器等等,使用 shared_ptr 可以让我们不用花费精力在内存回收上。其他的一些指针与 shared_ptr 的区别如下表:
Am I initializing theboost::interprocess::shared_ptrin a wrong way? Am I missing completely the semantics of this pointer --> is it used only to manage shared-memory objects lifecycleonlywithin one process and not across processes? How to have a shared_ptr whose use_count is shared across...
Added BOOST_INTERPROCESS_SHARED_DIR_PATH option to define the shared directory used to place shared memory objects when implemented as memory mapped files. Added support for BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H. When this macro is defined Interprocess does not declare used Windows API function and types, includes...