10)#define MACRO_2(number1,number2) BOOST_PP_ADD(number1,number2)#define MACRO_ADD_NUMBERS(...) BOOST_PP_OVERLOAD(MACRO_,__VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)//根据输入参数MACRO_ADD_NUMBERS不同得到MACRO_1或MACRO_2
EXPAND(__VA_ARGS__)#defineN_ARGS()int,float typedefSEVERAL_ARGS_AS_ONE(N_ARGS())ZintfloatTD;BOOST_PYTHON_MEMBER_FUNCTION_OVERLOADS(Zintfloat_twice_overloads,ZintfloatTD::twice,0,2)template<typenameT,typenameU,typenameO>voidexportZ(std::string type){class_<Z<T,U>>(type.c_str())....
and the success of packages likeNumPyattests to the power of exposing operators in extension modules. Boost.Python provides a concise mechanism for wrapping operator overloads. The example below shows a fragment from a wrapper for the
and the success of packages like NumPy attests to the power of exposing operators in extension modules. Boost.Python provides a concise mechanism for wrapping operator overloads. The example below shows a fragment from a wrapper for
Boost.Pythonprovides a concise mechanism for wrapping operator overloads. Theexample below shows a fragment from a wrapper for the Boost rationalnumber library: 两种语言都能够为用户自定义类型编写算术运算符,这是它们在数值计算上获得成功的主要因素,并且,像NumPy这样的软件包的成功证明了在扩展模块中导出...
由于boost是采用其自己的bjam工具通过命令行进行编译的,所以必须在Windows下开启console窗口,同时必须将Visual Studio中C++目录下的环境vcvarsall.bat配置脚本运行一遍,以设置好VC的编译器环境变量。 1. 编译不带ICU支持的boost库 此种情况下的boost库编译起来比较的简单,在准备好的console窗口中输入:
Boost.Python provides a concise mechanism for wrapping operator overloads. The example below shows a fragment from a wrapper for the Boost rational number library: 两种语言都能够为用户自定义类型编写算术运算符, 这是它们在数值计算上获得成功的主要因素, 并且,像 NumPy 这样的软件包的成功证明了在扩展...
This is accomplished by providing overloads oftag_invokeforTin the namespace ofT: // Called to convert json::value to T T tag_invoke( json::value_to_tag<T>, json::value const& jv ); // Called to convert T to json::value void tag_invoke( json::value_from_tag, json::value& jv...
You will also need to provide an overload of the functionsteardownandasync_teardownas explained in the documentation: https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_85_0/libs/beast/doc/html/beast/using_websocket/teardown.html If you get stuck and you have specific questions, consider asking in the Offi...
Boost.Python allows wrapped functions, member functions, and constructors to be overloaded to mirror C++ overloading. Boost.Python封装的函数、成员函数,以及构造函数都可以重载, 以映射C++中的重载。 Data Members and Properties 数据成员和属性 Any publicly-accessible data members in a C++ class can be...