在使用vs2013编译boost-1.55.0之前,先要给boost打个补丁,补丁如下(可直接该源文件): 1Index: has_member_function_callable_with.hpp23===45--- has_member_function_callable_with.hpp (revision86605)67+++has_member_function_callable_with.hpp (working copy)89@@ -219,10+219,17@@1011structBOOST_PP_...
#include<boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp>BOOST_PP_CAT(M,n)//=> Mn 实现##一样的粘接功能BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE(text)//=> "text" 实现#一样的字面字符串化功能BOOST_PP_WSTRINGIZE(sometext)// 宽字符串 expands to L"some text"---BOOST_PP_EMPTY()//<boost/preprocessor/facilities/empty.hpp> 展开为...
BOOST_PP_CAT(rule_name, _t) rule_ \ , Iterator& first, Iteratorconst&last \ , Contextconst& context, Attribute&attr) \ { \usingboost::spirit::x3::unused; \staticautoconstdef_ = (rule_name =BOOST_PP_CAT(rule_name, _def)); \returndef_.parse(first, last, context, unused, attr);...
iSCAT gets a signal boostPhotonic resonator interferometric scattering microscopy offers label-free imaging of biomolecules in vitro with improved signal-to-noise ratio.doi:10.1038/s41592-021-01160-0Rita StrackSpringer NatureNature Methods
For FMNL formin knockdown, B16 cells were co-transfected with respective psiRNA-vectors plus a plasmid conferring resistance to puromycin (pPUR, Clontech). Sixteen hours post-transfection, cells were trypsinized and subconfluently seeded using B16 medium supplemented with 2.5 mg ml À 1 ...
In other words, this self-cat- egorization process may sabotage the potential benefits of the diverse cognitive resources on innovation. In addition, openness to experience was found to mitigate the negative influence of self-categorization process and help individu- als capitalize the potential ...
G. Cattoli, A. Fusaro, I. Monne, I. Capua H5N1 virus evolution in Europe – an updated overview Viruses, 1 (2009), pp. 1351-1363 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 4 Z. Chen, S. Kadowaki, Y. Hagiwara, T. Yoshikawa, T. Sata, T. Kurata, S. Tamura Protection against influenza ...
在使用vs2013编译boost-1.55.0之前,先要给boost做下修改: boost_1_55_0\boost\intrusive\detail\has_member_function_callable_with.hpp line:222 template<class U> static BOOST_PP_CAT(zeroarg_checker_, BOOST_INTRUSIVE_HAS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_CALLABLE_WITH_FUNCNAME) ...