Abstract:In this paper a small-signal model of CRM Boost PFC in voltage controlled model is derived under the circumstance of State-Space Averaging Method is becoming invalid. Firstly, the current injected equivalent circuit approach is adopted to derive its mathematical model. And then, based on ...
OptimalDesignofBoost——PFCControlCircuitBasedonSmall——signalModel LUFang.ZHUFeixiang。WUQingpo (1.NavalAeronauticalandAstronauticalUniversity,Yantai,264001,China; 2.No.5BrigadeofPostgraduate,NavalAeronauticalandAstronauticalUniversity,Yantai,264001。China) ...
本文针对工作于变频状态的电压控制型CRM导通模式的Boost PFC转换器进行了小信号分析,在状态空间平均法不适用的情况下用电流注入等效电路法进行了小信号建模,并给出了合理的补偿设计方案;在SiMetrix/SIMPLIS仿真平台下进行了实例设计,通过该设计验证了该小信号分析方法及补偿设计的合理性。该方法不仅对变频系统板级的分析...
In this paper, the small-signal model of a boundary conduction mode (BCM) boost power factor correction (PFC) converter controlled by a peak control current control IC L6561 is derived. Based on the derived mathematical model, a Type II compensator is thus well designed to make the boost co...
Abstract:While designing the power factor correction circuit,excellent stability and dynamics character is very important besides high power factor.The small-signal model of average current Boost-PFC power circuit is analysed,basing on the analysis of double-feedback control circuit,establishing the frequ...
单相BoostPFC变换器的虚拟dq模式控制策略研究 中文摘要 摘要 Boost PFC变换器广泛运用于中小功率电路中,用以解决电力电子装置对电网造成的谐波污染问题。在实现PFC电路的功能时,现有的控制策略一般在系统准稳态模式下构建,因而在电流的跟踪控制上存在交流稳态偏差,影响了系统的THD 和功率因数。对此,本文通过坐标变换的...
中频振荡平均电流控制Boost功率因数校正变换器小信号模型On the assumption that the input voltage can be replaced by its RMS value and the frequencies of the inductor current and the output voltage are much lower than the switching frequency of the converter, the small-signal model of Boost PFC ...
Derived the small signal model of the interleaving Boost PFC circuit in average current mode by State-Space Average Method. On average current closed-loop control is derived based on the transfer function of detailed analysis of the closed-loop controller parameter selection. In the end, by Psim...
Derived the small signal model of the interleaving Boost PFC circuit in average current mode by State-Space Average Method. On average current closed-loop control is derived based on the transfer function of detailed analysis of the closed-loop controller parameter selection. In the end, by Psim...