我今天真的是被这个boost库搞到头炸,怎么在linux下安装boost库,及后续使用。一开始用sudo apt-get install libboost-dev倒是能解决代码中头文件引用不存在问题,但是编译不成功,总是会出现什么未定义引用错误,之后remove掉,重新下载源码编译还是会存在一些问题。
I have developed a polygon correct approach (remove self-intersection, correct order, correct inners), based on boost geometry: https://github.com/kleunen/boost_geometry_correct The approach for calculating and removing self-intersection...
{ using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double>; using MultiPoint = boost::geometry::model::multi_point<Point>; using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Point, false>; using Linestring = boost::geometry::model::linestring<Point>; using MultiPolygon = boost::...
{typedefboost::range_value<MultiPolygonconst>::type polygon_type; BOOST_FOREACH(polygon_typeconst& polygon, mp) {typenamebg::point_type<polygon_type>::type point; bg::point_on_border(point, polygon);if(! bg::within(point, buffer)) ...
multilinestring and multipolygon concepts all use the Boost.Range concept, so we also needed to implement a model of the Boost.Range concept. So we implemented a class template called Gis_wkb_vector, whose instantiations are now the new parent classes for the Gis_line_string (Gis_wkb_vector...
"POLYGON((61.2101898 81.9854202, 61.3715706 82.0616913, 61.4335442 82.1924744, 61.4778328 82....
Dear maintainers of boost::geometry, thank you for taking care of #851 so quickly. 😄 We have found another issue that is potentially related. We use the same line from Stuttgart to Berlin from the setup of #851. A box that intersects the...