Boost C++ Libraries 下载地址: Boost C++ 库(Libraries)是一组扩充C++功能性的经过同行评审(Peer-reviewed)且开放源代码程序库。大多数的函数为了能够以开放源代码、封闭专案的方式运作,而授权于Boost软件授权条款(Boost Software License)之下。许多Boost的...
若项目包含多个子模块,且子模块只用到顶层模块find_package找到的部分库,则可以使用下述语句实现只链接子模块所需要的Boost动态库 target_link_libraries(foo Boost::regex) // 只使用regex Boost头文件库链接 在Boost库中有部分库只用头文件实现,并没有相应的动态库,若使用这部分库可以通过以下语句实现: target_link...
The problem Next steps vcpkg provides theBoostset of libraries as individual packages as a convenience for users that depend only on a limited subset of Boost packages. However, this approach has a tradeoff. Users who want to lock a specific version of their Boost dependencies are required to ...
UPDATE: I forgot to mention that the include directory is determined correctly, but the libraries cannot be found.raulbocanegra commented Jun 9, 2018 I found a similar issue. As a workaround I defined BOOST_ROOT to my vcpkg install folder: set(BOOST_ROOT "${vcpkg_repo}/vcpkg/installed/x...
介绍-The Boost C++ Libraries 介绍 Boost C ++库是基于C ++标准的现代库的集合。源代码是根据Boost软件许可发布的,该许可允许任何人免费使用,修改和分发这些库。这些库是独立于平台的,并支持大多数流行的编译器以及许多知名度较低的编译器。 Boost社区负责开发和发布Boost库。该社区由来自世界各地的一大批C ++...
./ --with-libraries=all ./b2 ./b2 install 用./b2 install 把boost1.74安装在默认路径了,即/usr/local下,头文件和库文件分别位于/usr/local/include和/usr/local/lib中。 3 安装boost1.71 解压和编译源码还是跟上边一样,但是最后./b2 install指令跟上prefix 参数,指定安装路径: ...
在cmake-cookbook中,在Detecting the Boost libraries章节中,需要链接boost的filesystem library 源码: 通过find_package FindBoost module 寻找boost库, filesystem报错 代码find_package(Boost 1.54 REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem) ...
I think this is a homebrew problem and I don't use homebrew, so I can't really help here. If you have set BOOST_ROOT to the value where your boost libraries are installed and cmake is finding at least some of the libraries, then I'm not sure what else to do. ...
Sole Ownership-The Boost C++ Libraries The Boost C++ Libraries Sole Ownership boost::scoped_ptr是动态分配对象的唯一所有者的智能指针。boost::scoped_ptr无法复制或移动。此智能指针在头文件boost/scoped_ptr.hpp中定义。 示例1.1. 使用boost::scoped_ptr...
3.boost有很多库是不需要编译的,只要包含头文件即可,只有少数要编译。 4.在命令提示符下进入boost根目录 输入bjam --show-libraries(可以查看需要编译的库有哪些) 编译指令: bjam stage --toolset=msvc-9.0 --with-math --with-regex --with-graph --with-filesystem ...