boost::json::value confused_json1 = {{"data", "value"}}; boost::json::value confused_json2 = {{"data", "value"}}; std::cout << "confused_json1: " << boost::json::serialize(confused_json1) << std::endl; std::cout << "confused_json2: " << boost::json::serialize(confus...
boost::property_tree::ptree area=item.second;intid,entry,exit; getJsonValue<int>(pt, id,"id");if(!rst) {return; } getJsonValue<int>(pt, entry,"entry");if(!rst) {return; } getJsonValue<int>(pt, exit,"exit");if(!rst) {return; } getJsonValue<std::string>(pt, name,"name...
boost::json::value no_confused_json1 = {boost::json::array({"data","value"})};boost::json::value no_confused_json2 = boost::json::object({{"data","value"}}); 结果为: 解码# JSON的解码也比较简单。 简单的解码# autodecode_val = boost::json::parse("{\"123\": [1, 2, 3]}...
boost::json::object obj; obj["name"] = "John Doe"; obj["age"]= 30; obj["isEmployed"] = true; std::string jsonString = boost::json::serialize(obj);序列化JSON对象为字符串 std::cout << "Serialized JSON: " << jsonString << std::endl; boost::json::value parsed = boost::json...
[] //操作符来访问key值对应的value值 emplace() //插入元素 insert() std::unordered_multimap std::set 该结构是关键字即值,即只保存关键字的容器。 常用函数 begin(); // 返回指向第一个元素的迭代器 end(); // 返回指向最后一个元素的迭代器 ...
Version of Boost 1.84.0 Code: class X { public: X() : x(false) {} X(bool x) : x(x) {} protected: bool x; BOOST_DESCRIBE_CLASS(X, (), (), (x), ()) }; int main() { try { boost::json::value jv = { { "x", 0 } }; auto a = boost::json::value_t...
The value container is designed to be well suited as a vocabulary type appropriate for use in public interfaces and libraries, allowing them to be composed. The library restricts the representable data types to the ranges which are almost universally accepted by most JSON implementations, especially...
PATCH /example/resource/123 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json {"key": "updated_value"} OPTIONS: 描述:用于获取目标资源支持的通信选项。 示例:bashCopy code OPTIONS /example/resource HTTP/1.1 TRACE: 描述:对可能经过代理服务器传送到服务器的报文进行追踪,用于调试。
{inverted_list_all.push_back(std::move(item.second));}// 根据权重降序排序搜索结果std::sort(inverted_list_all.begin(), inverted_list_all.end(),[](const InvertedElemPrint &e1, const InvertedElemPrint &e2) {return e1.weight > e2.weight;});// 构建JSON格式的搜索结果Json::Value root;...