boost::json::object val; val["a_string"] = "test_string"; val["a_number"] = 123; val["a_null"] = nullptr; val["a_array"] = { 1, "2", boost::json::object({{"123", "123"}}) }; val["a_object"].emplace_object()["a_name"] = "a_data"; val["a_bool"] = true...
首先定义一个object,然后往里面塞东西就好。其中有一个emplace_object这个比较重要,后面会提到。 结果: 使用std::initializer_list# Boost.JSON支持使用std::initializer_list来构造自己的对象。所以也可以这样使用: boost::json::value val2 = {{"a_string","test_string"},{"a_number",123},{"a_null", ...
JsonObject.h(将json转换为string) #ifndef FND_JSON_OBJECT_H#defineFND_JSON_OBJECT_H#include<sstream>#include<boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>#include<boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>#include<string>usingptree =boost::property_tree::ptree; inline std::stringptreeToJsonString(constptree&tree)...
json #include <boost/json/src.hpp> using namespace boost::json; #define CURL_PAIR_SEPARATOR "\":\"" enum BUILD_STS { STARTED = 0, FINISHED }; // Pseudo-pair object struct reqPair { std::string name; std::string value; }; // json body builder class // // singleton class. //...
但是您的类型不是用户定义的。像int这样的基元类型没有任何关联的命名空间。The above doesn't work...您必须显式包含重载,这需要修改库代码,* 或者 * 您可以在代码中显式处理指针:
return "application/json"; } if (iequals(ext, ".xml")) { return "application/xml"; } if (iequals(ext, ".swf")) { return "application/x-shockwave-flash"; } if (iequals(ext, ".flv")) { return "video/x-flv"; } if (iequals(ext, ".png")) ...
if(iequals(ext, ".json")) return "application/json"; if(iequals(ext, ".xml")) return "application/xml"; if(iequals(ext, ".swf")) return "application/x-shockwave-flash"; if(iequals(ext, ".flv")) return "video/x-flv"; if(iequals(ext, ".png")) return "image/png"; ...
os <<"\n"; } int main(intargc,char** argv) { json::object obj; obj.emplace("key1","value1"); obj.emplace("key2", 42); obj.emplace("key3",false); pretty_print(std::cout, obj); returnEXIT_SUCCESS; } 运行得到结果:
checking the object and to see if there's anything before the '/' character other than a space You should never see spaces in the target, that would be an invalid HTTP message I need a way to find the dot character and see what the extension is as well. Do I need a...