However, boost::geometry:intersection produces an empty result: #include <deque> #include <iostream> #include <boost/geometry.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp> namespace bg = boost::geometry; typedef bg::model::d2::point_...
boost::geometry::intersection 函数的主要功能是计算两个几何对象之间的交集,并将结果存储到指定的输出迭代器中。交集可以是一个点、一条线、一个多边形等,具体取决于输入几何对象的类型和形状。 例如,如果两个输入几何对象是两个矩形,则交集可能是一个矩形、一条线段或一个点(如果两个矩形仅在一个点相交)。
#include <boost/geometry.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/point_xy.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/geometries/polygon.hpp> #include <boost/geometry/multi/geometries/multi_polygon.hpp> using namespace boost::geometry::model; using namespace boost::geometry; typedef d2::point_xy<double> Bo...
using Point = boost::geometry::model::d2::point_xy<double>; using Polygon = boost::geometry::model::polygon<Point>; double epsilon = 0.3; boost::geometry::strategy::buffer::join_miter join_strategy; boost::geometry::strategy::buffer::distance_symmetric<double> inflate_strategy(epsilon); bo...
I prefer the shoelace geometry of the Glide 3 – the distance between the holes is smaller and there is room for another one underneath the top 2, which made the position where you tie them when omitting the top 2 a bit higher. When I leave out the top 2 with the Glide 6, the kn...
10019 Difference of Linestring and Box returns their intersection 10077 Wrong types in concept checks in boost/geometry/arithmetic/arithmetic.hpp Bug fixes intersects(polygon) could return a self-intersection-point for its closing point, fixed equals() could return invalid results for non...
我今天真的是被这个boost库搞到头炸,怎么在linux下安装boost库,及后续使用。一开始用sudo apt-get install libboost-dev倒是能解决代码中头文件引用不存在问题,但是编译不成功,总是会出现什么未定义引用错误,之后remove掉,重新下载源码编译还是会存在一些问题。
Boosted by China’s Belt and Road, Chengdu, as the strategic intersection of the trade route of Belt and Road and the Yangtze River Economic Belt has ranked the first among new first-tier cities, with its GDP ranking eighth in the country and its automobile market showing full resilience in...
geometry::is_valid(p1) << std::endl; std::cout << boost::geometry::is_valid(p2) << std::endl; std::tuple<MultiPoint, MultiLinestring, MultiPolygon> result; boost::geometry::intersection(p1, p2, result); std::cout << boost::geometry::wkt(std::get<0>(result)) << std::endl;...
Sodensify()andintersects()give consistent results. The problem is located inintersection()which uses hardcoded cartesian strategy in all coordinate systems: ...