*/std::stringptime_2_str_name(boost::posix_time::ptime now){// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5018188/how-to-format-a-datetime-to-string-using-boost// for multiple usestd::stringstream ss;//static std::locale loc(std::cout.getloc(), new time_facet("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f"));sta...
std::string ptime_2_str_name(boost::posix_time::ptime now) { // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5018188/how-to-format-a-datetime-to-string-using-boost // for multiple use std::stringstream ss; //static std::locale loc(std::cout.getloc(), new time_facet("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%f"...
/*Boost 对时间和日期的处理 提供了timer和data_time 库*/ //有关timer库提供了简易的度量时间和进度显示的功能可以用于性能测试等需要计时的任务 /* timer 的三个组件 计时器类timer progress_timer和进度指示类progress_display timer 可测量时间的流逝,提供毫秒级的计时精确度 #include<boost\timer.hpp> #inclu...
时间点(Time Point)- 某一个时间,例如上午11点钟。 时间段(Time Duration)- 一段时间,不特指起止时间,例如1小时。 时间窗口(Time Interval、Time Period)- 一段时间,从某个时间点到另一时间点,例如下午2点到3点。 时间系统(Time System)- 特定的时间表示、计算规则的体系。 日历系统(Calendar System)- 以...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 1,224 Commits .github/workflows chore: bump macos runner version (#213) Sep 21, 2022 build add stub library for backward compatibility (#137) Mar 16, 2020 data trac-10087: update the time zone database to IANA 2016c ...
The csv file containing the zone_specs used by the boost::local_time::tz_database is intended to be customized by the library user. When customizing this file (or creating your own) the file must follow a specific format. This first line is expected to contain column headings and is ther...
(Concurrent Programming) 2.9 数学和数值计算(Math and numerics) 2.10 纠错和测试( Correctness and testing) 2.11数据结构( Data structures) 2.12 输入/输出(Input/Output) 2.13 跨语言支持(Inter-language support) 2.14 内存(Memory) 2.15解析( Parsing ) 2.16杂项( Miscellaneous ) 2.17 Broken compiler work...
// 示例: Protobuf的紧凑二进制格式处理message MyData {int32 id = 1;string name = 2;repeated float values = 3;} 2.2.2 内存与处理时间 (Memory and Processing Time) Boost序列化在内存管理方面,由于其模板驱动的设计,可能会占用更多的内存空间。这反映了人类对资源的利用和管理,在追求功能丰富的同时,...
}// 验证服务器端口是否开放boolport_is_open(std::stringaddress,intport,inttimeout){ try { boost::asio::io_service io; tcp::socketsocket(io); AsyncConnecthander(io, socket); tcp::endpointep(boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(address), port);if(hander.aysnc_connect(ep, timeout))...
Huawei is now developing remote education solutions and 5G telehealth and telemedicine applications under the Universal Service Obligation project and other initiatives so that public resources can be used anywhere anytime for girls and boys in rural areas. To speed up the adoption of these new ...