the season is a strong one. One of the great things about the entire series is its sense of continuity. Things that happened in past episodes, including those from the first season, are sometimes referred to, giving the show a sense of history...
Netflix(2014) (Netherlands) (video) (VOD) (season 4) ProSieben Fun(2014) (Germany) (tv) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment(2007) (Finland) (DVD) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment(2007) (Netherlands) (DVD) (season 1) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment(2008) (United States) (DVD) (season 2)...
I was right of course as it has never made it here formally so I imported the season 1 DVD to check it out for myself and see if it lived up to the promise of the first episode.The answer is "sort of" because Boondocks is not as good as it was in strip form and at times ...