The Boondocks is based on the satiric Aaron McGruder comic strip of the same name. The show follows the adventures of two black boys, Riley and Huey Freeman, who experience a culture clash when they move from southside Chicago to the "boondocks" to live
Kelly was charged with urinating on an underage girl. Many of the characters in the show adored R. Kelly and his music and therefore were willing to look past the incident and hope for his acquittal. When R. Kelly was proven innocent, the entire court room broke out in song and dance,...
EP1It's a Black President, Huey Freeman Remember "Yes We Can"? No, you don't? A German documentary follows the Freeman family from the election to the Inauguration of the country's first Black President, giving us a look back at the hope and change that already feels like ancient histor...
enough to make that worth it. I also found a character from Magic School Buss who I might want to draw Ms. Frizzle with, a woman around her own age that she’s close to, so like the Elasti-Girl pic this series keeps giving me new ideas for these characters I haven’t drawn in ...