The Boondock Saints: Directed by Troy Duffy. With Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, David Della Rocco. Two Irish Catholic brothers become vigilantes and wipe out Boston's criminal underworld in the name of God.
又名处刑人 义行者 The Boondock Saints 编剧 特洛伊·达菲 主演 威廉·达福肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里诺曼·瑞杜斯大卫·德拉·洛可比利·康诺利 剧情 爱尔兰双胞胎兄弟康纳和默菲要扫除波士顿的犯罪行为,但是他们没有去当警察,而是自己充当正义使者。很快他们就被市民们尊为圣人,同时也受到了FBI探员的注意。城里的俄罗...
Il Duce : [the Saints break into Yakavettas courtroom] You people have been chosen to reveal our existence to the world! You will witness what happens here today, and you will tell of it later. All eyes to the front. Yakavetta : Now's a good time to fucking... [gets kicked ov...
又名处刑人 义行者 The Boondock Saints 编剧 特洛伊·达菲 主演 威廉·达福肖恩·派特里克·弗兰纳里诺曼·瑞杜斯大卫·德拉·洛可比利·康诺利 剧情 爱尔兰双胞胎兄弟康纳和默菲要扫除波士顿的犯罪行为,但是他们没有去当警察,而是自己充当正义使者。很快他们就被市民们尊为圣人,同时也受到了FBI探员的注意。城里的俄罗...
Join us in welcoming "The Funny Man" himself. David Della Rocco from everyone's favorite cult classicBoondock Saints. Get our free mobile app ClickHEREfor tickets to Raptor Con 2022 Volunteer Opportunities What to Expect In addition toCelebrity GuestsRaptor Con 2022 will also feature Q&A sessions...
Click here to watch Michelle Danner’s movie “Hello Herman” with Norman Reedus from “The Walking Dead” & “Boondock Saints”, captivating, controversial and entertaining. DOWNLOAD THE MOVIE Klicka här för ”Hello Herman” with Norman Reedus från ”The Walking Dead” & ”Boondock ...
If you want to talk New England on St. Patrick's Day, you better mention Connor and Murphy MacManus, the two Irish brothers from Boston who bring vigilante justice in the movie"Boondock Saints." The 1999 flick is a cult classic and has becomeone of the most beloved "Irish" movies ...
I loved the first Boondock Saint and II was alright…Norman Reedus has been great on The Walking Dead and I’d watch a part 3 of Boondock Saints but I’m not gonna buy cable for it so make it avalabile in real time(like the Veronica Mars movie was) on itunes or netflix…none of...
Klicka här för ”Hello Herman” with Norman Reedus från ”The Walking Dead” & ”Boondock Saints”, Fängslande, Kontroversiell och underhållande. Click here to watch Michelle Danner’s movie “Hello Herman” with Norman Reedus from “The Walking Dead” & “Boondock Saints”, cap...