The Boondock Saints: Directed by Troy Duffy. With Willem Dafoe, Sean Patrick Flanery, Norman Reedus, David Della Rocco. Two Irish Catholic brothers become vigilantes and wipe out Boston's criminal underworld in the name of God.
19. “All right. Get your stupid fuckin’ rope.” (Murphy) “I’ll get my stupid rope. I’ll get it. This is a rope right here.” (Connor) —The Boondock Saints 20. [after dropping through the ceiling on a rope and killing nine mobsters] “Well, name one thing you’re gonna ...
This is a rope right here. Il Duce: [the Saints break into Yakavettas courtroom] You people have been chosen to reveal our existence to the world! You will witness what happens here today, and you will tell of it later. All eyes to the front. Yakavetta: Now's a good time to ...
This is a rope right here. Il Duce: [the Saints break into Yakavettas courtroom] You people have been chosen to reveal our existence to the world! You will witness what happens here today, and you will tell of it later. All eyes to the front. Yakavetta: Now's a good time to ...