此外,您还可以在Cassidys In Boomtown Casino享用美味的餐点,或者到Sasquatch Tavern & Grill品尝各种美味佳肴。最后,不要错过Famous Lobster Buffet,那里提供丰盛的龙虾自助餐。周边购物胜地博姆敦赌场酒店-最佳西方Plus酒店位于威尔第,附近有众多购物胜地。其中之一就是Cabela's,这是一家著名的户外用品零售商。在这里,...
Some staff from the main Boomtown property will move over to work at the Verdi Grill House and Casino, which is expected to employ as many as 60, he added. The casino floor will be strictly slot machines, and smoking will be allowed. Menu items at the Grill House, meanwhile, will be ...
最后,您还可以体验 Krewe of Gemini Mardi Gras Museum 的独特魅力,了解马尔迪格拉节的传统与庆祝活动,或是在 DiamondJacks Casino 享受一夜的娱乐与刺激。无论您选择哪个景点,博姆敦波西尔城酒店都为您的旅程提供了理想的起点。博姆敦波西尔城酒店周边美食天堂博姆敦波西尔城酒店周围汇聚了多种风味的餐厅,满足各类...