so in effect, what you are claiming: 1. There is a noticeable difference in the spot sizes between [itex]\Omega = 1 [/itex] and [itex]\Omega = 1.02 [/itex] 2. The Boomrang results, matches [itex]\Omega = 1.00000000 [/itex] to 8 significant figures... I hope you under...
Prior literature has demonstrated the power of zero pricing to boost consumer demand, but the current research shows a novel “boomerang effect”: a zero (vs. low, nonzero) price can lower demand when the offer comes with high incidental costs (e.g., the time cost in commuting to an off...
Definition:The boomerang effect is defined as an attitude shift that is opposite to what was intended and it is related to the “theory of psychological reactance”, which states the fact that when the freedom of a person is restricted in some way or the other, most of the time, it gener...