Example: LeBron charges toward the basket and—BOOMSHAKALAKA!—slams down a dunk! Where does boomshakalaka come from? Boomshakalakamay have roots in the 1969 song “I Want to Take You Higher” by Sly and the Family Stone. The song includes the funky and sexy nonsensevocablesboom-laka-laka-...
#B版纯原 NK LeBron XX 詹姆斯20代实战篮球鞋 前TURBO 后掌ZOOM 双气垫顶配缓震 原装碳纤维支撑板 原盒原配 造型上风格大变 采用了不同以往的简约造型 鞋面是一体全编织工艺制作 更加轻盈灵活 符合詹姆斯当下这个阶段球风打法的需要 侧身 Swoosh 部分 取消了钩子末端的突出设计 贴合在鞋面上 SIZE:39 40 40.5 41...
Lebron_Dong 7月30日 08:25来自微博国际版 Boom//@黎双富:Shams确认交易已达成,湖人送出今年的22号签,将得到奇才2024和2028的次轮签。 @黎双富 湖人和奇才接近达成交易,送出库兹马、哈雷尔、KCP和2021首轮签,换回威少。Woj最新是双方还在就选秀签做一些细节沟通。 ...
Fans told her she needs to donate the money to charity. She explained she has donated over $2 million to charity. She then issued a challenge to her followers, she told them to show proof they had donated to charity and she would match it. ...
Example: LeBron charges toward the basket and—BOOMSHAKALAKA!—slams down a dunk!Where does boomshakalaka come from? Boomshakalaka may have roots in the 1969 song “I Want to Take You Higher” by Sly and the Family Stone. The song includes the funky and sexy nonsense vocables boom-laka-...
Lebron棒棒棒2017-1-20 11:14 来自粉丝红包 #关爱八卦成长协会的红包#Boomshakalaka!我在关爱八卦成长协会 的红包中抽到了@让红包飞 提供的“双鱼座财神卡”,2017年的小惊喜!也许你的惊喜更大哦~O关爱八卦成长协会 的红包 已领取 双鱼座财神卡 ...
#狂言NBA的红包#Boomshakalaka!我在狂言NBA 的红包中抽到了@让红包飞 提供的“旺仔财神卡”,2017年的小惊喜!也许你的惊喜更大哦~http://t.cn/RxX70WH