JavaScript Booleans: In this tutorial, we will learn about the Boolean data types in JavaScript with the help of examples.
JS Comparison Operators JavaScript if else Statement JavaScript for loop JavaScript while loop JavaScript break Statement JavaScript continue Statement JavaScript switch Statement JS Functions JavaScript Function Variable Scope JavaScript Hoisting JavaScript Recursion JS Objects JavaScript Objects JavaScript Methods &...
与逻辑 OR 和逻辑 AND 运算符不同的是,逻辑NOT 运算符返回的一定是 Boolean 值。 逻辑NOT 运算符的行为如下: 如果运算数是对象,返回 false 如果运算数是数字 0,返回 true 如果运算数是 0 以外的任何数字,返回 false 如果运算数是 null,返回 true 如果运算数是 NaN,返回 true 如果运算数是 undefined,发生错...
The chapter JS Comparisons gives a full overview of comparison operators.The chapter JS Conditions gives a full overview of conditional statements.Here are some examples:OperatorDescriptionExample == equal to if (day == "Monday") > greater than if (salary > 9000) < less than if (age < 18...
Let’s see how we can do it using comparison operators.Use ==/=== Operator to Compare Two Boolean ObjectsTo get a Boolean value from a function after comparing two Boolean objects:Write a function which creates two Boolean-type objects using the new keyword. Use == operator to compare ...
When using mathematical operators such as subtraction, division, or multiplication between two strings in JavaScript, the strings will be automatically converted to the Number data type. let sub; sub='50'-'50'; console.log("Strings considered as Numbers '-' operation : ", sub); ...
The chapterJS Comparisonsgives a full overview of comparison operators. The chapterJS If Elsegives a full overview of conditional statements. Here are some examples: OperatorDescriptionExample ==equal toif (day == "Monday") >greater thanif (salary > 9000) ...
On executing the JavaScript code will produce the following output –true false Boolean OperationsThe boolean operations or logical operations in TypeScript can be performed using the three logical operators, logical AND, OR and NOT operators. These operations return a boolean value (true or false)...
Boolean to integer conversion in JavaScript can be done in the following ways: Using Number() Using Ternary Using Unary Operators Using Arithmetic Operators Using Bitwise Operators Using Bitwise Shift Operators In previous answers some of these have already been covered, however, you can find some ...
Click here for a complete JavaScript Reference, including array, string, document. window, and more. Also included are documentation on JavaScript operators, statements, loops, global functions, reserved words etc