The following code uses the distutils.util.strtobool() method to convert a string to Boolean in Python.1 2 3 4 5 import distutils.util x = distutils.util.strtobool("True") print(x)Output:1 Using list comprehension to convert a string to Boolean in Python....
On running this code, you will get the followingoutput− bool to int: 1 bool to float: 0.0 bool to complex: (1+0j) Python Boolean Expression Python boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to a Boolean value. It almost always involves acomparison operator. In the below example...
Info:To follow along with the example code in this tutorial, open a Python interactive shell on your local system by running thepython3command. Then you can copy, paste, or edit the examples by adding them after the>>>prompt. The table below is of Boolean comparison operators. OperatorWhat...
Explore how to use Boolean logic in Python to craft complex expressions that apply conditional logic. Learning objectives By the end of this module, you'll be able to: Useif,else, andelifstatements to execute code under various conditions. ...
mullet_looks_good = False python_is_fun = True More commonly, a boolean value is returned as a result of some kind of comparison. The following code example would store a boolean value of False in the have_same_name variable after using the equality comparison operator, the == symbol....
If you want to check multiple conditions in sequence, you can use multiple if, elif (else if), and else statements. In this way, we can make more complex decisions. Example: Using chained if-elif-else Code: x=-20ifx>0:print("x is positive.")elifx==0:print("x is zero.")else:...
python中的真假值: Truth Value Testing Any object can be testedfortruth value,foruseinaniforwhileconditionoras operand of the Boolean operations below. The following values are considered false: 1.None 2.False of any numeric type,forexample, 0, 0.0, 0j. ...
You can execute code based on the Boolean answer of a function: Example Print "YES!" if the function returns True, otherwise print "NO!": defmyFunction() : returnTrue ifmyFunction(): print("YES!") else: print("NO!") Try it Yourself » ...
As you can see in this code, Python implements bool as a subclass of int with two possible values, True and False. These values are built-in constants in Python. They’re internally implemented as integer numbers with the value 1 for True and 0 for False. Note that both True and False...
Boolean conversion in python if isWater = bool(input("Is there water (True or False)")) if isWater == True: print("I will buy water") else: print("I will buy other drink") when will "I will buy other drink" be displayed? a, when the user enters 'false' b, when the user ...