“Then why won’t you leave me alone?” Wang added. Half a dozen other people heaved boxes of books into the back of a van. The books, Wang said, were being sold to cafe and bar owners who wanted to burnish little libraries for their patrons. Some would be sent to a warehouse in...
General bookstore and cafe. Sells Columbia University gear and textbooks for Columbia Students. The website for all the Barnes and Nobles is: barnesandnoble.com b) INDEPENDENT - GENERAL BOOK STORES - Manhattan Book Culture (Upper West Side/main store) 536 W 112th St near Broadway Upper West...
“Then why won’t you leave me alone?” Wang added. Half a dozen other people heaved boxes of books into the back of a van. The books, Wang said, were being sold to cafe and bar owners who wanted to burnish little libraries for their pat...
young adult manga, manga art books, anime and other movie DVDs, and anything else that is more related to fantasy than real life. There is even a cosy cafe with authentic Bento(お弁当)boxes and desserts. Just don’t forget you can’t bring in any unpaid merchandise into the cafe. ...
The two floors above is a two-story cafe (great for cheap soups and whole-grain sandwiches), with old, dusty, and overpriced second-hand books used as decoration. I don't think the stock upstairs has ever been replenished since the bookshop became a cafe a few years ago. Ground floor ...
In the meantime, let me introduce the subject of my inaugural World bookshopper review: Housing Works Bookstore Cafe at 126 Crosby Street, Manhattan. This was a recommendation from Grant and, when I looked it up, the store’s premise intrigued me. Established a decade or so ago, the shop...
You’ll find the shop on the corner of Jack Kerouac Alley (so named after being renovated and reopened to the public in 2007) and across from the Vesuvio Cafe, the bar where Kerouac, Neal Cassady and other Beat heavyweights once held court. Read more 4. The Booksmith Shopping Bookstores...
) was very open with his plans for the shop to become a beacon of community focused projects and it shows. The center of the main room has several long counters, perfect for working on jigsaw puzzles or relaxing and reading. Additionally they serve coffee from cafe Ground Control, another ...