像历史上其他的旧城活化区域一样,洛杉矶市中心甚至在语言学上也焕然一新:新闻报导常用一个时髦的缩写DTLA,而不再直称Downtown Los Angeles, 一如上世纪六十年代的纽约SoHo(SoHo是South of Houston Street的缩写,城市规划学者拉普金生造出了这个新词)。在这场市中心全面复兴的热潮中,作为书业/文化业态积极参与...
位于洛杉矶downtown的the last bookstore无疑是观光客还有ins上的网红小哥哥们心中必打卡的拍照地啦! 地址是 453 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 距离很出名的看洛杉矶全景 玻璃大滑梯 爱乐之城网红小火车 还有the broad muesum 都是步行距离还大家可以住在downtown的omni los angeles hotel,或者希尔顿dt 从...
夏天来LA Downtown附近玩 一定要来打卡这家复古书店: The Last Bookstore 复古小清新 而且拍照巨出片 一楼是贩卖的书籍、纪念品 二楼是图书馆 有很多不同的景点可以拍照 而且拍出来都巨有感觉 当然除了拍照也可以来看看书啊
The Last Bookstore is a beloved destination for new and used book lovers, artists, and anyone looking for a one-of-a-kind shopping experience in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. It has been featured in numerous articles and travel guides and dubbed "th
地址:453 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 美国 洛杉矶 位于洛杉矶Downtown,与文艺复古的一场美丽邂逅。2013年入选全球最美20家书店,果然名副其实。以当地艺术品装饰且通风良好的多层书籍和唱片店,出售二手物品和新品。距离有名的景点,La La Land小火车还有The board博物馆还有中央市场都是走路可到的距离。
It was 1 a.m. and I was lying on an air mattress at the Last Bookstore in downtown L.A., listening to the muffled sounds of Pitbull playing from a bar inside the building and trying to ignore the enticing smell of “danger dogs” wafting through an open window. ...
(Genaro Molina / Los Angeles Times) After years as a seller on eBay, Spencer took a chance on a small shop in 2009 and then opened the Last Bookstore in the lower two floors of an old bank on Fifth and Spring streets in 2011. It became a key part of the downtown L.A. renaissan...
Address:453 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone:+12134880599 Website:http://lastbookstorela.com Bookstores Event Spaces How far is it from Point Mugu State Park to The Last Bookstore? How do I schedule a Lyft ride from Point Mugu State Park to The Last Bookstore? How many passe...
The bookstore at the corner of West 5th and Spring Streets in Downtown Los Angeles was one of the highlights of yesterday’s safari by Martine and me. I took eleven books to donate to the store and wound up buying four titles, including Eve Babitz’sEve’s Hollywood, which I am current...
Address:453 S Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 Phone:+12134880599 Website:http://lastbookstorela.com Bookstores Event Spaces How far is it from CPR First Aid Providers to The Last Bookstore? How do I schedule a Lyft ride from CPR First Aid Providers to The Last Bookstore? How many ...