I think I can appreciate it more now, absorb and cherish it better than I could have in the middle of the hype. Schwab infuses the magic of her world into every single carefully written word. Her language evokes the atmosphere, her words propel the narrative, the diction and syntax so ...
On the whole, the book was easy to read. The main characters were engaging and well-written, even if some of the secondary characters felt a bit flat. And I definitely felt that the ending didn’t need an extra ‘twist’. But I am glad I was able to read this book, and while it...
We the Animalsby Justin Torres– I loved this book up until the last 15-20 pages, and then I did not. I was so certain I’d be recommending this book to everyone I know. The first 125 pages or so (it’s only 144 pages total) are written in first person plural (“we”) and ...
took his lashings without comment. It’s dark yet beautifully written—just hit a little too close to home. I’m glad to see the representation in here—mental health, blindness, domestic violence survivors—and of course I’m thrilled to see where Dau and Liobhan end up in the final ...
“days of pastiche are over”, and then informs us that she’s going to write autofiction titled “The fat girl in history.” Australians will know that Peter Carey has written a short story, “The fat man in history”, and that his debut collection named for this story started his ...
Written from the viewpoint of an third person narrator the story is divided into parts between the years 1990 and 2022. Initially part one seems unconnected with the rest of the narrative, but in a surprising twist, this eventually ties in with the main plot. In the second part we read ...
In particular, an entire book could be written about the changing, evolving attitude of Ursula to Christianity. In her, Lawrence describes in some detail the changing beliefs of a sensitive young girl, from girlhood, through adolescence and into young adulthood. At one point there’s a passage...
breathing the sultry southern air. At the same time, there was a more metaphoric heat, in the relationship between Jake and Rakell, and I thought the spicier scenes were well written. It’s more challenging than you think to ride the line between “insert tab (a) into slot (b)” and...
I’m glad I read this; it was very impressively structured and written. I liked it but didn’t love it (if that makes sense). It must have been absolute hell to draft and organise this. It’s written in a fragmented, choppy style, leaping from one tale to the next, in which his...
“Rodney Page has written a taut murder mystery that will have readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The book is set amidst the steamy creeks and marshes of the Georgia low country, and I could almost catch the scent of pluff mud and small town corruption leaking from...