By:Oscar Wilde(1854-1900) Salome, written by Oscar Wilde, is a captivating and controversial play that delves into themes of desire, power, and revenge. The story follows the biblical tale of Salome, the stepdaughter of King Herod, who becomes infatuated with the prophet Jokanaan and ultimat...
Written by: Oscar Wilde, Brothers Grimm Narrated by: Audrey Hepburn, John Ritter, Sharon Stone and Orson Welles Listen to a sample on Amazon. The Ralph S. Mouse Audio Collection This story of a mouse on the lookout for more excitement honestly couldn’t be more adorable. Written by: Beverl...
The book Oscar Wilde, written by Richard Ellman. The book Freud: A Life for Our Time, written by Peter Gay. The book Remembering America: A Voice form the Sixties, written by Richard N. Goodwin. The book Stranger in the Forest: On Fo...
by Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde cultivated an image of himself as an idle genius, dashing off masterpieces with a lazy brilliance. But below the glittering linguistic surface of his works, suggestsSos Eltis, lies an anarchic politics and a phenomenal analysis of power. ...
written by James Seligman to his parents (whom he addressed as “Dearest Mamma” or “Darling Parents”) during his years at Princeton, 1908-1912. Nina feels that rereading the letters James left behind “proves all over again, the power of the written, the handwritten, word.” Aside from...
By Oscar Wilde. Oscar Wilde was one of the most influential writers on art and design in the late 19th century. Alongside his acclaimed plays, novel and short stories, he wrote and lectured extensively on the subject. This exquisite centenary facsimile edition of a posthumous collection that wa...
Books are well written or badly written. That is all. - Oscar Wilde Add to Favorite List A good book is the precious life-blood of a master-spirit, embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life. - John Milton Add to Favorite List As good almost kill a man as kill a ...
10.The Picture of Dorian Grayby Oscar Wilde This novel might not be overtly gay, but enough subtext like Dorian’s best friends’ admiration for his beauty and Basil’s clearly homoerotic feelings for Dorian were stricken by an editor from the original manuscript. Even the originally published ...
Oscar Wilde could have probably transformed the diary of a train spotter into a comedic work of genius such was his way with a quip and a couple of bon mots. So satirising the duplicitous nature of Victorian society was meat and drink to this master wordsmith. High farce with no real se...
"There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are either well written or badly written. That is all." - Oscar Wilde Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (1854-1900) was born in Dublin Ireland, educated at the Portora Royal School at Enniskillen, where he excelled at ...