By adapting the timeless insights taught by the Buddha 2,500 years ago to the nature of love, it shines a light through the murky mess of modern romance. Who should read The Four Noble Truths of Love? Long-term couples who want to rejuvenate their love life Singles who want to improve ...
With space for written reflection, these pages provide all the benefits of coloring—including mindfulness and stress relief—and also guide you to recognize the beauty in the ordinary. More Info Tiny Buddha's Inner Strength Journal With four sections, focusing on physical, emotional, mental, ...
Living Buddha, Living Christ (1995) is a meditation on the surprising intersections between Buddhism and Christianity. This thoughtful text shows the common ground shared by two of the world’s most influential spiritual leaders. Who should read Living Buddha, Living Christ? Christians seeking a new...
Buddha'S Apprentice at Bedtime Dharmachari Nagaraja 128 Pages Childrens Books View PDF Alice'S Adventures in Wonderland: 150Th Anniversary Edition Lewis Carroll 136 Pages Childrens Books View PDF Music Theory for Young Musicians: Study Notes With Exercises for Abrsm Theory Exams Ying ...
Throughout our ripest ages of puberty, the stories that resonated most were the ones about being an individual and following our own paths. Siddhartha embarks on a spiritual journey of a lifetime: meditating, begging, reflecting, traveling, consulting with Buddha himself, until (by the end of...
Throughout our ripest ages of puberty, the stories that resonated most were the ones about being an individual and following our own paths. Siddhartha embarks on a spiritual journey of a lifetime: meditating, begging, reflecting, traveling, consulting with Buddha himself, until (by the end of...
Again, as long as you just look at the number of countries visited as part of my Around the World reading challenge (and if you ignore the number of books written by authors from / set in the UK and the U.S.), the figures actually still look pretty good -- and yes, the ...
Buddha Press Jul19 Forthcoming! Posted onJuly 19, 2024byvswwriting Standard Celebrated playwright, Christine Foster, has written a novel from the perspective of a neurodivergent tween, Rory. This is an important novel for its story, literary challenge and compassion. Using her own expereince raising...
The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka (4 stars) – A short but strong historical fiction novel told in collective voice that I really appreciated, despite not normally being a historical fiction reader. So Thirsty by Rachel Harrison (4 stars) – I love Rachel Harrison, and I love vampire...
Throughout our ripest ages of puberty, the stories that resonated most were the ones about being an individual and following our own paths. Siddhartha embarks on a spiritual journey of a lifetime: meditating, begging, reflecting, traveling, consulting with Buddha himself, until (by the end of...