A Black trans demiboy entering his senior year of highschool must make difficult decisions about his future and is forced to examine what kind of artist he wishes to be as he falls in love, grapples with his gender identity and deals with transphobia from an anonymous classmate. Buy it he...
The Seven Rules of Elvira Carr: Though never identified as autistic, the main character has very rigid thinking and “has trouble navigating this puzzling world.” She’s also 27, so this is a great book for teens with autism or young adults who don’t want “babyish” books. Bio-Mechani...
Nichelle Nichols, Octavia Butler, pandemic, parenting, pedagogy, podcasts, politics, race, Ranged Touch, schools, science fiction, short stories, Star Trek, teaching, Texas, the Census, The Ministry for the Future, Things Fall Apart, trans* issues, war on terror, wet bulb temperatures, Wisconsi...
Elope with us to the romantic streets of Paris inTill the Sun Dies, where Adalyn flees the predictable to embrace the unpredictable. Paris—where dreams are reborn and hearts are mended. Just when Adalyn thinks she’s finding her feet, in whirls Holland with a dance of charm and sunlight....
and work. And one of the main secondary characters is trans, and all the physicality in the relationship is super consensual, and there is a kind-of reference toCake Wrecks, and (maybe only I see it) toRandall Munroe’s “What If?” blog. I link it thematically to Jo Walton’sThe ...
The runner up is Takako Shimura, who has eight volumes ofWandering Son, a manga series with a trans main character, on the list. Final Stats Fiction/Nonfiction Split: Fiction: 500 (58.89%) Nonfiction: 349 (41.11%) Age Categories:
The Christmas Chevalier (#1) by Meg Mardell- 4 stars, a historical romance with a trans masc MC who is a bit of a bohemian who falls for his ex-governess best friend and offers her the chance at a new life on her own terms. Oh, and there’s a masquerade ball. The Moon on a ...
by Franz Kafka, Reiner Stach & Shelley Frisch (trans.) Franz Kafka's biographer, Reiner Stach, provides extensive commentary and explanations of the 100+ aphorisms the Czech writer composed while in Zürau (now Siřem in the Czech Republic) in 1917 and 1918. What's also very nice about ...
With that, as she goes exploring and learning her options, she found out what’s truly important in this book with its main focus on the exploration of regrets, hope, and the possibilities of alternative lives. Why Read It:If you are looking for a novel to tug at the heartstrings while...
Throughout this novel, you will fall in love with Mateo and Rufus even though you tell yourself that you shouldn’t because you know the outcome but you just won’t be able to help yourself. In addition to the chapters from the perspectives of our main characters, there are also insert ...