Equality starts on the bookshelves, so make sure yours are aptly stocked with titles featuring strong, smart, brave, and bold female characters. In celebration of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day (March 8), we asked some of our favorite mothers who have been featured on...
Then there’s Samuel Hutchinson, the guy with a ‘gift’ that feels more like a curse.He stumbles into the magic and mayhem world after bumping into a victim of a magical serial killer.His detective hat leads him straight into the vampire king’s lair, and let’s just say, it’s not...
Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray by Sabine Hossenfelder Read 2 The Tangled Tree: A Radical New History of Life by David Quammen Read 3 Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto by Alan Stern & David Grinspoon Read 4 The Biological Mind: How Brain, ...
This book had many elements that I enjoyed: an intelligent, resourceful, female protagonist with relationship issues, a journey, and lots of quirky characters and events. The Biggest Elvis by P.F. Kluge This was primarily set in a nightclub in the Philippines before the closing of Subic Bay ...
My friend appended her story with the strong suggestion that “Christians need to retire” those tone-deaf aphorisms. Yep. There but for the grace of god go I. That trite, emotionally lame proverb is likely meant, by its utterer, to express humility and gratitude, and acknowledgment that one...
Along with Allen’s, Apple’s and several others’ works below, the bold colours and cutouts ofMeridian Passageunderscore the painterly and sculptural nature of the book art celebrated byThe Book Made Art. Despite the strong theme of democratic multiples around him, Broaddus explored the unique...
a little anxious, unsure, and still learning. So many stories, in their quest to have a strong female lead, seem to forget that everyone starts out nervous and uncertain and grows. I really wanted to have that arc for Alis – the shy, bookish type finding her legs in the world outside...
As a lover of strong female characters, books, and the color pink, she enjoys diving into magical worlds where characters can overcome even their darkest struggles. She lives in the western United States with her husband and four sons. Connect with Kay directly when you follow her on social ...
121). Reading picturebooks can have a therapeutic function as it leads to interactions between adults and children, often allowing them to start discussing difficult matters, such as war, death, and sexuality—all appearing in Maya and Her Mums, with the latter seen as the most problematic. ...
but that the forward impulse by western women to be with multiple men is a disrespect to the female entity. In Islam, the chastity of the woman is equivalent to the honor of the family, and by broader definition, society. For this reason, a raped woman is an embarrassment to her family...