I don’t see Maria Callas here, I see Jolie posing for the camera, with a haughty face here and a dramatic gestures there; so you rapidly lose sympathy with the main character. Perhaps Maria Callas really did act like that, even behind closed doors, but Jolie plays her somewhere between...
I’m an introverted homeschooling mama, who procrastinates by watching way too much K-drama instead of prepping. I’ve learned four to five languages but can only really speak two. It is why I have strong opinions on how to learn languages. We’ve been homeschooling for 7+ years and ...
Welcome to Litsy! Litsy is a place to share and discover your favorite books with your favorite people. Litsy is available on the web, for iOS and Android. It’s fun. It’s simple. It’s all about the book. Sign up and get a little Litsy....
Book Summary: Introverted Cambridge professor Emily Wilde, an expert in faerie lore, faces her academic rival, Wendell Bambleby, as they research elusive faeries in a remote village. During their scholarly pursuit, they uncover the secrets of the Hidden Ones (the most secretive fairies) and the...
introverted sugar addicts. Kate is a quirky introvert, who is also a bestselling mystery author. Her own main character is Loretta Starling, and Kate comes up with scenes using her own every day experiences and to figure out how to deal with situations using Loretta’s perspective instead of...
The Forest Queen is a book about going against the norms in society for the right reasons. It gives hope to those who have been pushed aside. And it gives readers the feeling that things will always get better with hope.The main character, Silvie, has a good heart. She had flaws, like...
introverted to be a drag on the plot and always relevant to the decisions that the characters take. . They are not flat cut-outs responding to the plot but rather the plot is pushed on by the psychological foibles, strengths and weaknesses – even the moral dilemmas — of the characters....
Introverted (I) intuitives (N) could be found among the world’s “philosophers, religious leaders and prophets, artists, queer geniuses and cranks.” Their impulsive attitudes were counterbalanced by the practicality of the extraverted (E) thinkers (T), the “reformers, executives, systematists...
Their main challenge with going out on their own has been keeping up the confidence that they are doing the right thing on a daily basis. 7. The book also provides examples of and interviews with runners and coaches who employ principles similar to yours. Who is your all-time favorite ...
ROLE PLAYING by Cathy Yardley, a decent, low-key book about two middle-aged introverted gamers, grumpy divorced Maggie, and kind even-tempered Aiden. They become virtual friends when Maggie joins Aiden’s online gaming group – but she assumes that he must be a young college student, while ...