I loved how it wrestled with themes of freedom vs control, power and authoritarianism, and the consequences of obsession. Despite all the science and technology, the story is really about humanity. Very good science-fiction, for anyone who isn’t intimidated by a 600+ page book. How to ...
Precisely when ontario’s long-term covid-19 commission issued itsfinal report, the Premier restored Norm Sterling to a political stage the former Minister of Environment and Energy had vacated one decade ago. You’ll recall Mr. Sterling in his connection to the Walkerton Tragedy, where the com...
society and the natural world—both in terms of human impacts on the environment, and the constraints placed upon cultures by the landscapes they live in. Here, John R. McNeill, a pioneer of the field, recommends five of the best environmental history books with ambition, engaging prose, and...
Cosplay Photography is a simple, straightforward book, with very little technical jargon and a lot of interesting, easy ways to make great photographs of cosplayers at any skill level, with any camera. Cosplay Photography focuses on five key factors: 1) Respect 2) Lighting 3) Environment 4...
In a dystopian future, the government has cloned a family from the 1940s who live in a closed environment completely unaware that WWII is long over. A boy is sent by the government to live with the family and monitor the experiment, but gradually grows attached to them as he uncovers the...
Heacox recounts his fascination with the Beatles and their reinvention of music – from an early age he identified with outsiders and challengers of the status quo. Naturally, he’s been deeply influenced by “outsider” environmentalists as well, includingEdward AbbeyandAdolph Murie. He writes ...
The library course and the art course worked together to create an Interdisciplinary Study Session, in which each class collaborated to create a series of brilliant works based on the themes of their IPC courses. This not only...
The cities of Mumbai, Sao Paulo and Istanbul were added to the six cities of the first volume with the same mix of compelling photographs, in-depth and beautifully presented data, and smart writing by global thinkers. Each city is explored in a series of essays that address vital themes, ...
The key to change, says Don Norman, is human behavior, covered in the book’s three major themes: meaning, sustainability, and humanity-centeredness. Emphasize quality of life, not monetary rewards; restructure how we live to better protect the environment; and focus on all of humanity. ...
The first half of Monbiot’s book about the state of the food and farming industry is terrifying, with disturbing statistics about the impact of land use for farming livestock and evidence that some types of organic farming can actually be worse for the environment. Luckily, the second half ...