“The sign that the writer has internalized a model deeply enough to use it in writing is when he or she has encountered it enough times so that she or he no longer remembers it in terms of a specific example or a particular text, but experiences it, rather, as a force in the bo...
my professor did warn me at the beginning that I might not be able to find enough material. But I was so interested in the topic that I didn’t let his advice deter me
If you want tobecome a better writer, a good grammar book can help. But unfortunately, although many grammar books are on the market, not all are created equal. So, how can you spend your money wisely and find the right book for grammar to meet your needs?
“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.”—C.S. Lewis “To learn to read is to light a fire; every syllable that is spelled out is a spark.”—Victor Hugo “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Is...
Thomas Merton(1915—968): an American Catholic writer, who was a Trappist monk in Kentucky. He wrote over 70 books, in cludi ng many essays about Buddhism and a tran slati on into En glish of the Chin ese classic, Chua ng Tse. He had a great deal to say about the meeti ng of...
I appreciate when a writer combines elements of fiction craft elegantly into a story greater than the sum of its parts. The gestalt is a literary experience provoking the reader to ponder the human condition. “Silence” is one of those books. Lesson. Accumulate from the first sentence. Novels...
June 15, 2019 § Leave a comment Playing Nerone for HGO’s L’incoronazione di Poppea – photo by Laurent Compagnon The National Opera Studio asked me what it was like, to be a trans opera singer – and how we could all make our industry better. So I wrote them this – I hope you...
García Márquez is the best-known Latin American writer inhistory. In addition to his masterly approach to thenovel, he was asuperbcrafter ofshort storiesand an accomplished journalist. In both his shorter and longer fictions, García Márquez achieved the rare feat of being accessible to the ...
“There was a long tradition of white men having Black mistresses inthe South. That was not going to be my path. So I proposed to Mel, and he happilyobliged. Apart from our love, it was important politically for us to be legally married.” They had one daughter, the writer and ...
The formula that will erase the silent self-doubt. Thesecret, innermost thoughtthat you’re not quite good enough as a writer. Books have an uncanny power to teach us, to transport us, to move us light years beyond our ordinary lives. If we could only find therightbooks, the tried-and...