In this video I talk about 3 super thick calculus books you can use for self study to learn calculus. Since these books are so thick they contain tons of problems. I hope this video is helpful....
从零到能够自学任何数学课程の学习历程与教材推荐 |Learn Mathematics from START to FINISH 6695 -- 12:15 App 《那些年你没学明白的数学》All the Math You Need in ONE BOOK 8637 4 13:12 App 微积分教材推荐 |3 SUPER THICK Calculus Books for Self Study 4696 3 3:12 App 代数圣经 |The Bible ...
Vector Calculus, with Applications to Physics James Byrnie Shaw | D. Van Nostrand company, Published in 1922, 338 pages Diophantine Analysis R. D. Carmichael | John Wiley & Sons, Published in 1915, 120 pages A Short Account of the History of Mathematics W. W. Rouse Ball | Dover Publicatio...
Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation. machine-learninglecturesbooksdeep-learningcalculuslinear-algebraprobability UpdatedMar 14, 2024 Awesome Books learningeducationpdflistawesomebooksresourcesfreeawesome-listlearn-anything...
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进入纯数学 微积分很容易(Calculus made easy)7.2 统计与概率Seeing Theory:概率论和统计入门 Statistics Done Wrong 统计小手册 统计学习导论(An Introduction to Statistical Learning) 麻省理工学院统计学课件 Prob 140:概率论教材 预测:原理与实践 数据科学的原理与技巧 概率、统计和随机过程导论 概率,统计和随机...
Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville provides a mathematical and conceptual foundation, covering relevant fundamental concepts in linear algebra, probability and information theory, numerical calculus, and machine learning. Describes deep learning techniques used by industry profe...
"A TOTALLY different way to learn calculus - you can do it even before high school." From thereview of Vol 1 on "Even a mathophobe like myself was able to work through the book without trouble, and my third-grade student, who is working on a fourth-grade level...
“Reading the book was the first time I understood properly what calculus was about, by reading how it was developed, step by step. What they have managed to do is to give mathematics a narrative history that can be understood by non-mathematicians, and this requires a lot of skill. There...
I bought the book hoping to learn some good problem solving techniques to help my daughter in high school The format of the writing was like an academic paper and assumes a lot of mathematical knowledge. The book is not written in a manner suitable for mathematical problem solving for high ...