neighbours was meant symbolically, but it's worth asking if it was, and what it might be symbolic of.The Nazis made a bonfire on Opernplatz in Berlin in 1933 and burned the books of Albert Einstein, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Emile Zola, Friedrich Engels, Franz Kafka and Ernest Hemingway....
often including snippets of her poems while describing key episodes of the poet's long life. I would have liked to see a more critical assessment of her poetry and prose - what made it unique and still speaks to us today. What also struck...
When the Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, massive book burnings were held, destroying millions of books by authors who were Jewish, who spoke out against the Nazis, or who had opposing political ideas. And as the Nazis conquered other countries, they burned and confiscated books as ...
Taggedaustinkleon,bookbanning,Books,libraries,Nazis,reading Two good pieces on two good pieces from IKEA Posted onFebruary 21, 2023|Comments Off Here’s a good piece on how the ubiquitous IKEARåskog trolley(seen above) has become famous as the TBR (to be read) cart on social media. Move...
One of the most fascinating things for me about the book was that when World War II broke out and the Nazis marched into Paris, the two Wertheimer brothers, who were Jewish, fled with their families to New York. They were the ones who had the licence to produce “Chanel No. 5”, but...
I’m not sure why but I think it was the dispassionate way that the heinous crimes and sadistic brutality of the Nazis was presented rather matter of fact; reflecting, it would seem, how common place these observations and the associated thoughts about the constant presence of humiliation and...
The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.Nonfiction. Corrie’s family used a secret room to hide Jews when the Nazis invaded Holland. She and her sister were in their 50s, their father in his 80s when they were discovered and sent to a concentration camp. The one thing that sustained her was...
“invented” the concentration camp and the “Nazis” followed their example. The British used Boer civilians – women and children as “hostage collateral” to win the war. The British were solely responsible for all the farm burnings and rural destruction. The British unfairly and illegally ...
banned books in China are hunted for so often. And truly, there is no positive side to this view point except maybe with the case of the author of the book “The Satanic Verses”, when the Straits Times reported that, “…the then spiritual leader of Iran called "blasphemous". The ...
10 Things You Need to Know About the Hamilton-Burr Duel, According toHamilton’s Burr Were the Nazis Socialists? What’s the Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Art? All 119 References in “We Didn’t Start the Fire,” Explained ...