is a chilling body horror masterpiece that has earned cult status among horror aficionados. Set in Antarctica, The Thing's claustrophobic atmosphere amplifies the tension as its ensemble cast, led by Kurt Russell, attempts to survive an alien creature capable of assuming the appearance of its vic...
Westerfeld, Scott. UGLIES White, Andrea. SURVIVING ANTARCTICA : REALITY TV 2083 White, Robb. DEATHWATCH Whitmore, Arvella. TRAPPED BETWEEN THE LASH AND THE GUN Whitney, Kim Ablon. SEE YOU DOWN THE ROAD Whyman, Matt. BOY KILLS MAN Wild, Margaret. ONE NIGHT ...
In the 13 years to 2016, Antarctica lost a mass of 141 billion tonnes from its ice sheet every year, according toSmall Gases, Big Effect,a beginner's guide to what's happening in our environment and one of many new books coming out now on climate change. It's an issue that's a to...
2.When we see a person in trouble,the first idea that comes to our mind is to lend a hand.But what if we see an animal in trouble,does the same rule apply? This question was raised after a group of penguins were saved from an icy gully(峡谷) in Antarctica.It was filmed for the...
While researching Maoism, China expert Julia Lovell battled against two incorrect assumptions: “firstly that Maoism is a story of China; and secondly that Maoism is a story of the past.” Here she recommends five books for coming to grips with the global, still-relevant impact of Maoism. The...
This is probably the best book on Antarctica written in the last decade! Gabrielle Walker, author, regular broadcaster with the BBC and consultant to New Scientist has written a book unlike any that has ever been written about Antarctica. The book weaves all the significant threads into an intr...
From Book 1: When college student Muriel Aubrey inherits an old house in a small town, she imagines that moving into the rural community will be deathly dull. But the old house once belonged to her eccentric granduncle, a professor said to be researching something mysterious before his untimel...
Featuring romances, hidden gems, classics — and a debate about what a beach read even is. Read With Jenna authors shared their favorite beach reads of all time. June 9, 2022, 3:17 PM UTC/UpdatedMay 2, 2024, 5:01 PM UTC ByElena NicolaouandAnna Kaplan...
“that the first writing actually predated Sumerian businessmen by a few thousand years, and instead grew out of symbolic marks on ritual objects made to venerate the Great Mother in Old Europe”. Inspired by the archaelogist’s catalogue of marks in her bookThe Civilization of the Goddess, ...
Endless sea: Alone Around Antarctica as far South as a Boat can Sail Amyr Klink 128 Pages Sports View PDF The Three Degrees: The men who Changed British Football Forever Paul Rees 320 Pages Sports View PDF Bonefish fly Patterns: Tying, Selecting, and Fishing all the Best Bonefi...