Oxford Owl 9-11 Years Collection:The Oxford Owl website featured in our Free Online Books for Kids post includes a small collection of free books suitable for 9-11 year olds. You will need to register to access the free titles. Barnes & Noble 9-12 Years Fiction:There are almost 100 boo...
96 percent, but a September report by the World Bank warned that the pandemic will leave more than 80% of 15-year-olds below the minimum reading proficiency level."(Raden说:“印尼15岁以上儿童的识字率约为96%,但世界银行9月份的一份报告警告称,这场大流行将使80%以上的15岁儿童低于最低阅读水平...
Can I also recommend the Weirdstone of Brisingamen by Alan Garner (and his others) as well as Joan Aiken (wolves of Willoughby Chase is excellent) for brilliant reads for 8-9 year olds. Reply Erica says September 10, 2016 at 7:00 pm Thanks for the recommendations! Reply Kim Roy says...
Why Money Matters, Deborah Meaden Coming soon, in July 2023, Why Money Matters de-mystifies money for 6-9-year-olds. It’s packed with easily-digestible information on everything from the history of money and how to make it grow, to how banks and card payments work. There’s even a ...
Hey, that may sound nuts right now, but they started marketing the mature-content-laden Princess Diaries to 9-year-olds ***gags*** So yeah, I guess it looks like this issue is getting worse, not better. Bibliography: Jaques, Z. (2015). Children’s Literature and the Posthuman: Animal...
Dr. Johnson's Books A very different kind of book about connection by Sue Johnson: Edgar & Elouise, Sagas 1 & 2: For 9 to 90 year olds! Set in Canada’s west coast, Edgar & Elouise reflects not only the beauty and frailty of the natural world around us,
Ages 9-13 Readexpert recommendations Buy nowListen now Dread Wood byJennifer Killick Fast paced and full of macabre humour, this is a gripping read for children who enjoy thrillers. Four 12 year olds turn up at school for a Saturday detention, which they soon rename “deathention” as thing...
Suitable for 8-10 year olds if I'm remembering right. Bacon, Peggy, The Ghost of Opalina, 1960s, approximate. This sounds like The Ghost of Opalina. This book is a favorite of everyone who ever read it. Since most of the limited printing went to libraries, it's hard to find and ...
Suitable for Ages: 8-12 Themes: Time travel, Historic Philadelphia, Different Abilities, Diversity, Friendship Synopsis (GoodReads): Imagine if you could time travel to the past just by rubbing the date on a penny! Ten-year-olds Joey (Johanna) and Eli can time travel to any year between ...
adventure, two girls must find a way of stopping a gang of evil crooks from spiriting away a vast treasure. But to do it, they must first solve the mystery of the glowing locket. With danger lurking around every corner, this is a thrilling story for 9 – 12 year olds. Free ......