First serialised in The Saturday Evening Post in 1920, The Young Immigrunts abandons the plot of Ashford’s book and its musings on social advancement and the aristocracy and replaces them with something completely American: the story of the Lardner family’s move from Goshen, Indiana, to their...
Japanese culture comes through a veil of humor, making this similar to the Alvin Ho series by Lenore Look. In this first book, Jasmine is too young to participate in the New Year’s mochi celebration, but she somehow manages to turn traditions upside down, much to the surprise and admirati...
“Another Present Era,” he wrote, “touches on many of the same subjects (global warming, corporate greed, racism and disease) as [Octavia] Butler’s more well-known Parable of Sower, but that book wasn’t published until three years later.” It was Perry’s only published novel, though...
And he comes off a bit smarmy, to boot. I may be rereading Planetfall via audiobook sooner than expected. Usually I try to let time pass, but this book was SO GOOD (I’m yelling, for the record). I’m having similar trouble putting off rereading (listening) The Girl with All the...
(1)TOLKIEN’S ANSWERS.“’Human stories are always about one thing – death’: Why the shadow of death and WW1 hang over The Lord of the Rings”– atBBC.Includes video of the referenced interview. In a 1968 interview, the BBC spoke to author JRR Tolkien about his experiences during Wor...
The case is closed and their daughters are left in their dusty shared house with the shattered pieces of their lives. Until the wind kicks up a terrible secret at their mothers’ much-delayed memorial. With secrets come the lies each of the girls is forced to confront. After caring for ...
The ceiling collapsed entirely, burying many drow and the shattered dwarven cities. The cavern, now open to the sky, became known as The Great Rift. The surviving drow nobles gathered what people, slaves, and equipment they could seize, and fled into the Underdark in search of places to ...
I did love that we got to know more about his life, and his family tree. I loved that along with Alan we get to read the family history that his dad compiled. Another section that I was a little annoyed by was when Falene tells Alan that she isn’t the kind of woman he should ...
crashing through the roof. Thanks to the courage of hundreds of firemen and other helpers, battling throughout the night, the famous Rose Window survived, as did the eight huge bells, and the Crown of Thorns. But the dawn of April 16threvealed a smoking, blackened ruin, the remains of a...
to do only to see fans and critics tear him apart for the film’s failure. Speaking of this experience, Will wrote, “But at fifteen years old, when Jaden asked about being an emancipated minor, my heart shattered. He ultimately decided against it, but it sucks when you hurt your kids...