Swan’s substitution of feathers and shells for Mallarmé’s words, Broodthaers’ redactions and Pichler’s excisions brings a new form of materiality to Un Coup de Dés. It recalls the similar playfulness of other artists such as Clotilde Olyff with the alphabet. From an image sequence by Sw...
From the point of view of a middle-class British journalist, Kuper outlines the mysterious codes which dictate how Parisians socialise, and the chapters about elitism and the rise of Emmanuel Macron are particularly fascinating (Kuper is the author of a book called ‘Chums’ about similar ...
62), or Caroline Gonda’s words that “anyone who feels at odds with social or sexual convention can claim the label ‘queer’” (Gonda in Jackson and Jones, 1998, p. 124), in the Ukrainian context Maya and Her Mums may be considered a picturebook about queerness. Still, as all of...
She picked up a card from the box-index, and read it out with bitter emphasis: “Doctor, connected with hospital, requires in private practice, light coloured girl. Must be neat and obliging. Now what,” she said impatiently, “did you find to object to?” “Nothing,” said the tall ...
The Night Circus is within my top five favorite books ever, and I went into this hoping for something similar. I wanted to taste the words and sink into the magic of the narrative and experience the tales with all of my senses. That certainly happened, but like Zachary says, “I wanted...
The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern. They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later. In many parts of the world, people take naps in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmer climates, where...
He gave words to some concepts I had believed but not articulated, like “comfort creep,” where we adapt to yesterday’s comforts until they become unacceptable (similar to lifestyle creep), and “problem creep,” where we regularly lower our threshold for what constitutes a problem. This ...
and the child. Again this is a story more similar to a poem – something you need to really bring you A-game to; you have to be ready to engage with and interpret it.“Sometimes the refridgerator took pride in keeping things cool and crisp and other times it didn’t seem to care....
(This chapter deals in part with the construction of a strongly gendered identity in and for erotic labour, and I’d be interested to see a similar analysis with a stronger queer theory lens — the construction of gendered identity is secondary to Koch’s interest in gendered relations in ...
He argues that this machine-driven selection process has turned us into passive consumers, making our preferences and tastes more similar. Chayka points out that algorithms make us passive by always showing us content ...