Playing on themes similar toBeauty and the Beast, Naomi Novik'sUprootedtells the story of village girlAgnieszka, who is taken to live in a tower with a wizard called The Dragon. Despite her fear and the mistrust she feels for The Dragon at the story's outset, Agnieszka's feelings for th...
Reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast, a recluse and a young woman discover that the scars of life are no match against an act of love. Iowa, 1903. All of Monticello believes Otis Taylor has been away fostering his musical genius. But the truth is that his father exiled him long ago, re...
The seven airplanes were attached to the Royal Air Force’s 138 Squadron, a special duties squadron that flew clandestine missions over Nazi-occupied Europe. On this night, they were bound for southeast France, on a mission to drop supplies and an important agent to aid the French resistance....
Cruel Beauty Since birth, Nyx has been betrothed to the evil ruler of her kingdom-all because of… The Lovely Reckless Sorry we couldn’t find a book description. Please use the goodreads and/or amazon links on… Eliza and Her Monsters ...
Briarley, Grey’s Beauty and the Beast retelling is one of my absolute favorite queer books of all time, and this story feels similar, though a little less dramatic. In this case, we end up a polyamorous, why choose situation between Gawain and his illustrious hosts. Last Gender by Rei...
to the quality of its predecessors. I actually found myself laughing at the stupidity of the plot and characters actions, cringing at the poorly presented “horror,” and down-right insulted by some of the story elements that undermine the previous films. You can see how they wanted to ...
Beauty(Folktales) byRobin McKinley From Newbery Medal–winning author Robin McKinley, this beloved story illuminates an unlikely love story—Beauty and the Beast. Beauty has never liked her nickname. She is thin and awkward; it is her two sisters who are the beautiful ones. But what she lac...
LikeWoven and Interlocking Book Structures(2002),Tumblr Blocks(1996) andBatterers(1996) below,The Gospel of Maryis an outstanding work of collaboration. Its pulp painting, letterpress, woven binding and layout make this work an important addition to works by Claire Van Vliet in the Books On Book...
most directly aligned with the Aesthetic movement, which focused on the decorative rather than the utilitarian nature of art, and the Arts and Crafts movement, which sought the revival of handicraft as well as the need to produce tasteful, mass-produced items for a broad segment of the public...
Why 'it girls' want to show what they're reading The best books to have on your radar for 2025 Inside the mind of BookTok's Laurie Gilmore The 2024 Cosmopolitan book awards An exclusive extract from Eliza Clark's new book The 20 historical fiction books you need to read ...