50 shades of grey is a story of one Anastasia who is a college student 21years old and who begins a relationship with a 27-year-old powerful and successful businessman by the name Christian Grey. Interviewing during her college newspaper, she meets Christian Grey for the first time. She me...
Loved the Fifty Shades of Grey franchise? There are plenty more erotic novels to get your teeth into. Here are 23 books to read if you loved 50 Shades of Grey.
Readers can read online or download their pick as a PDF, EPUB, MOBI, or similar file format. Features The excellent and thoughtful categories will help you to find the book you like better. More than 50,000 volumes of free classics are available. Website: https://manybooks.net We ...
Japanese culture comes through a veil of humor, making this similar to the Alvin Ho series by Lenore Look. In this first book, Jasmine is too young to participate in the New Year’s mochi celebration, but she somehow manages to turn traditions upside down, much to the surprise and ...
One of the most basic things for editors to keep in mind when planning to move into digital publishing is to actually—at least occasionally—readebooks. While most ebooks are pretty similar to the print equivalent there are some fundamental differences, and if you’ve never even read an ebook...
Some films are adapted from novels that didn't quite make it into our cultural conscious the way that, say, 50 Shades of Grey or Gone Girl did, and some diverged so far from the original text that it's hard to remember the movie is based on anything at all. So what surprising ...
Kell is one of the last Antari—magicians with a rare, coveted ability to travel between parallel Londons; Red, Grey, White, and, once upon a time, Black. Kell was raised in Arnes—Red London—and officially serves the Maresh Empire as an ambassador, traveling between the frequent bloody ...
A short review of the situation is as follows. It is 50BC. Ceasar has conquered Gaul. All? No…one small village of (you got it) indomitable Gauls holds out against the roman legions by virtue of their druid’s ability to brew a potion that grants them superhuman strength. So the Rom...
There’s a reason the last runaway breakout novel was in 2012. I firmly believe the success ofFifty Shades of Greyspurred an explosion in self-publishing (the bad kind). This Literary Power Ball Winner not only encouraged green writers to skip even learning the craft, it also attracted scam...
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens is an incredibly captivating and entertaining classic novel that has become a timeless masterpiece. It follows the life of David from his childhood to adulthood, with many characters along the way who each have their own unique story to tell. Throughout the ...