Brown’s goal is to teach her readers how to own their story and love themselves and her book recommendations echo her empowering motto, “courage over comfort”. Read on for a list of inspiring non-fiction books recommended by Brené Brown. 10 books recommended by Brené Brown 1. The ...
Explore hundreds of Self-Help books recommended by the world's top entrepreneurs, investors, and thinkers. New books added every day!
If you click the link, you can find a book description listed. It's also helpful in finding new books you might like if you look at the frequently bought-together section. If you like one book, you just might like the other recommended. It's how I always have more than enough books ...
31. Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown $9.41 Buy on Amazon 01/29/2025 09:32 am GMT Brown writes about coming to terms with failure and how one can cope with it. She writes with great clarity about difficul...
& my own interests. Some of these are books that have been out for several years, but I just haven’t had time to read, while others are new releases. I would love to hear what other books you would recommend & make sure to check out some of our previous recommended books in the ...
Brene Brown’s work has opened us up to letting the eff-ups be exactly what they are. We can even find value in them (egads!). Somehow, this is all so liberating. This book offers a look into “wholehearted living,” focusing on our innate worthiness, which is not contingent on our...
style (his newer works are easier to read than his early works) whose body of work (which is based on observation) is nothing short of revolutionary. Highly recommended for those who are interested in the BIG picture of life, the universe and everything and how we humans relate to that....
I had no idea what Co-Dependency Addiction was when I first read this book. Since then, I have read and recommended this book many times because of how it transformed my attitude toward myself and the gentle way the author awakens the reader. This book taught me about healthy communication...
15. Daring Greatly by Brene Brown Favorite Quote “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” — Brene Brown The Book in One Sentence Daring Greatly is a book about having the courage to be vulnerable in a world where everyone wants to appear strong, confident and like...
Daring Greatlyby Brené Brown. This is a book I want to buy for every single person I have ever cared about. I think it’s brilliant. And amazing. And important. You may have heard aboutBrown’s TED talk about vulnerability, and the importance of embracing honesty, humility and vulnerabili...