Holiday Books on the Economy of Things; From Long and Heavy to Short and SweetDAVID WARSH
This classic work by Hazlitt is one of the best beginner’s books on basic economic principles. This book is for anyone who wants a clear and easy-to-understand explanation of how an economy works. It is highly regarded by the Mises Institute and other Austrian Economist circles. This is ...
Stuck Monkey: The Deadly Planetary Cost of the Things We Love by James Hamilton-Paterson If you want to take an economy that's wholly dependent on fossil fuels and turn it into a low-carbon one it's going to be expensive, says economist Dieter Helm—and the sooner we face up to that...
Discover a curated selection of the best books on global, political, and regional economies at Explore insights on the U.S., India, the global economy, the creator economy, and more.
technology and solar, in trying to wean themselves off coal. So, they recognise the limitations of this number. And, finally, to round it off, now I’m the Africa editor and go to Africa a lot. Our main measure of the economy tells you very little about what’s really going on in ...
If you’re looking to understand today’s puzzling economy, reading about its roots in history might pay dividends. This season brings books that take the long view on finance, inflation, and the U.S. Treasury, among other topics. Money-curious rea...
Write on Books by The Economist’s journalists in 2023 From our desks to your library Age of the City. By Tom Lee-Devlin and Ian Goldin. Bloomsbury; 256 pages; $26 and £20 One of our business correspondents examines how cities came to domina...
It talks the reader through a no-nonsense look at the realities of today’s economy and provides an easy path to follow toward financial stability. 15.Living a Beautiful Life on Lessby Danielle Wagasky Check eBook Price Takeaways: Living a Beautiful Life on Lessoffers practical guidance on si...
The central bank is currently setting the stage for the removal of interest rate caps with the institution's research showing the ceiling has impacted negatively on the economy. The bank in readiness for the scrapping of the law announced recently that it carried out a study and found the caps...
India’s economy, the boomer boom — and why inequality matters Where the subcontinent should go next, the value of time and a generational transfer of wealth — all in our round-up of the best new economics titles November 15 2023