1723 AFTER JOCKEYING with France for con- trol of Florida's Pensacola Bay for three years, the Spanish build a fort called Presidio Isla de Santa Rosa. CULTURE & RELIGION 1711 JOHN V, KING OF PORTUGAL, bans all religious orders from the gold fields of Minas Gerais, Brazil. 1716 THE ...
Destin, Florida. There are military bases in nearby Pensacola, so we heard jets taking off from time to time. In a garden on the beach in Destin, there were hundreds of monarch butterflies. Places to go…. Sunrise, Destin, Florida. (Photo by J. Hallinan, who gets up much earlier than...
On our road trip across the US (south to Florida, then west to Tucson, Arizona, then north to Portland, Oregon) we spent nearly two weeks visiting family in the St. Petersburg area. Along the way, we stopped in Savannah, Georgia, my first time in that lovely city. An afternoon wasn’...
Crazy Like a Fox was featured on NPR, MSNBC, CNN, Stossel on Fox Business Network, The Laura Ingraham Show, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Washington Post, Christian Broadcast Network, The Bill Handel Show,National Review, City Journal, Sirius Radio, and other media outlets. Arthur Blech Ar...