I have read many stories about working men and I could already see the vast difference between men in books and those in real life. In books all workmen seemed to be unhappy. Whether they were good or evil they were inferior to real wo...
His first book on the iPod wasUnbrokenby Laura Hillenbrand. I readUnbrokenwith my book club last fall, so I was excited to be able to discuss it with him and get his impressions of it. For those who don’t know,Unbrokenis an amazing true account of the life of Louis Zamparini, a ...
The Nightingale tells the stories of two sisters, separated by years and experience, by ideals, passion and circumstance, each embarking on her own dangerous path toward survival, love, and freedom in German-occupied, war-torn France—a heartbreakingly beautiful novel that celebrates the resilience...
As each piece of the puzzle fell into place via these interconnected stories within the book, so too did the puzzles of January’s remarkable life. I was swept up in each tale, in January’s voice, in the melancholy of oppression and separation, in the deep joy of love and family, in...
However, it is the repercussions from the piano lessons Roland received at boarding school that have the most significant impact on his life. I read but didn’t review McEwan’s previous novel ‘Machines Like Me’ in 2019 which I didn’t think was among his best work, but I would say ...
Angelina Jolie,Vlad the Impaler, In Search of the Real Draculaby M.J. Trow: Before her humanitarian and baby-making days, Jolie was known as the dark and edgy rebel of Hollywood, and this book on the life of the ...
The book focuses on the stories of dozens of Anna’s patients, each one dealing with addiction in some form (yes, drugs and alcohol, but also romance novels, food, sex, pain, and more). The sheer diversity of the addictions helped broaden my understanding of what addiction is. We really...
Bookmate is to read books online by subscription, free trial available. Free apps on the side. There is a library that contains 1M eBooks — choose what to read among various genres, popular and classi…
I can’t stand real-life villains. (In the interest of keeping things civil, I won’t name any of the real-life villains I have in mind, even the one whose name rhymes with Peon Husk.) But a good fictional villain can make even the most mundane of stories shine. And a boring or...
Lorrie Moore, “Dance in America,”“Paper Losses,”“Community Life”– These were the first stories I listened to on pram walks postpartum. The first two, I barely registered, because I was pretty much losing my mind, absolutely shellshocked, and it’s a wonder I was able to find it...