Manufacturing masculinity and erasing privilege in popular books on raising boys. Feminism & Psychology, 12 , 491–516. doi: 10.1177/0959353502012004010 .Anderson, K. J. & Accomando C. (2002) ``Real' boys?: Manufacturing masculinity and erasing privilege in popular books on raising boys', ...
And Kadiatou, Chiamaka’s housekeeper, is proudly raising her daughter in America—but faces an unthinkable hardship that threatens all she has worked to achieve. In Dream Count, Adichie trains her fierce eye on these women in a sparkling, transcendent novel that takes up the very nature of ...
This book is a great way to educate him on emotions and fears. These books are not only personalized with the name, but also with the character, family photo and a nice message as well. Will always and forever remain in my collection. Habiba A., Abu Dhabi 🇦🇪 Lionstory has the...
Along the way she encounters a Rogues Gallery of boys and men who exhibit every conceivable male virtue and pathology, but never in a combination that adds up to her cherished ideal. Relying on her reporter’s eye and an engaging narrative style, Goldberg’s descriptions of these suitors and...
Raising Cain by Dan Kindlon, Ph.D. and Michael Thompson, Ph.D These two experts have something to tell you (which you might already intuit): boys are hurting, and it’s hard for them (or their parents) to get to the root of why. Thompson and Kindlon pick through outdated myths abo...
Lily Meyer is a UEA graduate and a talented translator; this is her first novel. I really enjoyed this, especially the Philip Roth-esque elements of horny teenage boys growing up in Chile. I really liked how this brought a unique angle and perspective to this particular story. Well written...
Ponies are the pet that many girls and boys long for. They are in TV shows and movies, in books and on stickers. But what exactly is the animal like, and what makes a pony a pony? Porpoises For Kids by Rachel Smith Series: Amazing Animal Books for Young Readers. Price: $2.99 USD....
Stung!: On Jellyfish Blooms and the Future of the Ocean Lisa Ann Gershwin 456 Pages Natural History View Audiobook Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life Hazel Richardson 224 Pages Natural History View Audiobook Owl Coloring Book for Adults: An Adult Coloring Book of 40 Owls in a Range of Sty...
A number of recent books with titles like Raising Cain, Real Boys, and Lost Boys all focus on the same issue: Today's teenage boys are feeling more anxiety than ever before about their physical ( ). Bombarded (向···大量提供信息) by advertising featuring well-muscled, ( ) young men...
Yellow mangoes sway on tree branches like little suns, and after a sudden tropical downpour the whole yard is filled with water. Two boys and their dog become ferrymen, rowing in a bucket. They shake the trees to let water droplets splash all over their bodies and let their clothes dry ...