7 thoughts on “30 Best Winter Books For Preschoolers” Intisar Khanani December 14, 2013 at 8:14 pm What a fun list! The Snowy Day is one of my favorites, but I will definitely have to look up a few of these that I haven’t encountered before. One of our well-loved winter b...
thoughtfully done: the flaps are not too easy to find, so children can work on both their observational and fine motor skills. This is also a good book for families or teachers to use to expand children’s vocabulary; in addition to animals and plants, it features seasons and time of ...
And I’ve also recommended excellent shorter stories for brand-new readers; great not-too-long books for elementary-school children; and bedtime books for preschoolers.I’ll keep adding to these lists and writing new ones, and I’d love to hear from you, too. What can I help you with ...
Tropical flowers are everywhere; plants and color make seemingly bare homes inviting. This is a lovely look at a people making the most of everything they have--and showing that, despite poverty, they have a lot worth envying. (8-12) ...
I See Plants introduces emergent readers to a variety of common plants while providing them with a supportive first nonfiction reading experience. Carefully crafted text uses high-frequency words, repetitive sentence patterns, and strong visual references to support emergent readers, making sure...
Amara’s Farmwas written by JaNay Brown-Wood and illustrated by Samara Hardy. In this brightly colored book, the main character Amara asks the reader to help her find the pumpkins among all the plants on her farm. Sleep Tight Farmwas written by Eugenie Doyle and illustrated by Becca Stadtlan...
Sophie’s Squashwas written by Pat Zietlow Miller and illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf. When a young girl named Sophie befriends the squash that she and her parents find at the farmer’s market, she learns what happens to plants and produce when fall changes to winter. ...
Most of the books listed here are recommended either for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary readers since my children fall within those groups and so do the little readers in my core target audience. However, I’ve also included a few middle grade and young adult books for...
Is walking on water possible for frogs? Several species have fascinated observers with their abilities to skip side-to-side and leap into the air from the surface of a pond as if the water were land. One such breed native ... Plants & Animals 3 hours ago 0 31 Land use and irrigati...
I recommend it for young preschoolers. The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds Patricia Relf and Joanna Cole I prefer the original Magic School Bus books to the ones that are based on the television series. Not surprisingly, I found this book boring. However, my Four loved it and requested ...