The classics of English literature: whether you're reading for school or for pleasure, it can be hard to get a grip on the Western canon—and even harder to understand it. Thankfully, out of the 1500+ interviews onFive Books, scores of them cover every topic and most major authors you...
The price of books directly influenced who had access to literature and Moxon developed a way of selling literature to the emergent middle classes. Savings made through new technologies allowed spending on ornamental features, facilitated by mass-produced decorative cloth covers. New approaches to ...
two sets of stairs, cutouts in contrasting colors, ascend on the verso page to the text that begins at the top of the recto page and ends at the foot of descending stairs on the next double-panel spread. Like Maya Lin, Maryatt’s students built ...
Neither is the essay/exhibition an attempt to explicate this enigmatic poem. What happens inUn Coup de Dés, what it means, how it made us modern and then post-modern — all that and more — have been the subject of countless books, essays and web pages. Those on which this essay/exhi...
The book is the Oxford AdWords Primer series, series one of the authors are well-known international experts in linguistics. linguists believe that the works of literature, or in daily life, it is term meaning an expression. This book describes the relevant language analysis of the key concepts...
This is a less well-known story to English readers than the battlefields of France and Belgium, and the focus on the war from the point of view of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian empires makes for very interesting reading. Russia lost more than 2.3 million soldiers in the war; the Austro...
Smith, A. 2021. An Introduction to General Linguistics. 2nd ed. Lingaton: Galactic Linguistics Press.b.多名作者的书籍:Book with multiple authors:作者姓名(英文姓氏姓在前,名用首字母缩写),年份. 书名(用斜体). 版本. (第二版以上才会加入这个信息;第一版不用。)出版地点:出版商.Authors, ...
but also further highlights the characteristics of the power industry. On the occasion of the beginning of the 14th Five-Year-Plan , this book focuses on the latest research frontier of intelligent manufacturing and advance...
“It explains 14 billion years of the evolution of the universe, a sort of engineering experiment on the largest possible scale. It spans all scales of space and time, describing everything from the largest scales of the universe to the smallest scales of molecules and atoms. It’s a good...
English Literature Essays, literary criticism on many authors, links to internet resources and bookshop