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Shop herb identification and natural gardening books at Mountain Rose Herbs. Our pursuit of fine books will appeal to those who wish to explore the natural world.
Juliet’s lifelong captivation with medicinal weeds and herb gardening has birthed many botanical enterprises over the decades, including an herbal nursery and a farm-to-apothecary herbal products business. These days, she channels her botanical obsession through her writing and photography in her ...
Botany, Gardening, Horticulture Collector's Reference Shelf COMPLETE CATALOG Cookbooks, Cookery, Formularies Decorated Bindings Ephemera Fiction, Literature, Mystery, Classics First Editions, Collectible Flash Sale Booth Gift Ideas Herb and Plant Lore, Ethnobotany ...
Growing 101 Herbs that Heal: Gardening Techniques, Recipes & Remedies Paperback by Tammi Hartung. 256 pp. Complete instructions for growing 101 medicinal plants using organic techniques. Price:$24.95 Back to Eden: A Human Interest Story of Health and Restoration to be Found in Herb, Root, and ...
Wicca Herbal Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Practicing Wiccan Herbal Magic, with Simple Herb Spells – The Mystic Library, Lisa Chamberlain, 2021 Read on Amazon There’s intrinsic magic to the natural world, and any Witch can learn how to use it. Herbal magic is essential to Wiccans: plan...
Aromatherapy & Essential Oils Herbal Education Herbal Home & Kitchen Natural Body Care Plant Guides & Gardening Sort By 200 Tips, Techniques & Recipes for Natural Beauty Shannon Buck $26.99 A Kids Herb Book Lesley Tierra $24.95 A Modern Herbal Mrs. Grieve $19.95 - $29.95 ...
Organized as an inventive abecedarium,On the Necessity of Gardeningtells the story of the garden as a rich source of inspiration. Over the centuries, artists, writers, poets and thinkers from Capability Brown to Derek Jarman have each described, depicted and designed the garden in different ways...
A great book on herbs! Each herb description contains the folk names, planet, element, and powers of the herb. Excellent! 1 people found this helpful | Was this review helpful? Yes No By Deborah on April 15, 2015 I was very happy with my purchase. Thank you. If I want to buy anymo...
Simplify Vegetable Gardening: All the botanical know-how you need to grow more food and healthier edible plants - Veggie Gardening with a Side of Science!Simplify Vegetable Gardening: All the botanical know-… 4.2 out of 5 stars60 Your First Vegetable Garden: Starting on the Right Foot For Su...