Photos: Books On Books Collection. Richard Price’s lines recall the inventiveness of Emily Dickinson‘s and compression of Samuel Menashe‘s. For Dickinson, we have the artistry of Jen Bervin; for Menashe, we have that of Julie Johnstone; and for Price, we have his full-on collaboration ...
Back to Poet Page Search Books by Emily Dickinson by clicking on book store logo. Emily Dickinson Books at Amazon Emily Dickinson Books at Barnes and Noble View Emily Dickinson:Poems|Quotes|Biography|Books
EMILY DICKINSON Text Poem 190 : HE WAS WEAK AND I WAS STRONG TEXT Poem HE WAS WEAK AND I WAS STRONG by EMILY DICKINSON original English Text – Emily Dickinson All Poems online – Poem n. 190 : He was weak, and I was strong … ...
The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson 作者:Emily Dickinson 出版社:Belknap Press 副标题:A Facsimile Edition 出版年:1981-12-22 定价:USD 225.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780674548282 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 + 加入购书单...
DICKINSON, Emily, 1830-1886AMERICAN poetsPOSTHUMOUS works of literaturePOETRY writingMANUSCRIPT Books of Emily Dickinson, The (Book)The article discusses American poet Emily Dickinson's poems, which were published posthumously almost 100 years after she died. Susan Howe may have been the first person...
There is no frigate like a book —Emily Dickinson Dickinson’s simile serves as both title and first line for one of her best known poems. Volumes [of books produced in America] by the dozens like doughnuts, big and soft and empty at the core —Helen Hudson Similes Dictionary, 1st Edit...
Photos: Books On Books Collection. Richard Price’s lines recall the inventiveness ofEmily Dickinson‘s and compression ofSamuel Menashe‘s. For Dickinson, we have the artistry ofJen Bervin; for Menashe, we have that ofJulie Johnstone; and for Price, we have his full-on collaboration withRon...
The best books onThe Odyssey, recommended by Emily Wilson TheOdysseyhas been constantly rewritten by centuries of writers, but like so much of Greek myth, it's always already open to revising its own narrative.Emily Wilson, Professor of Classics at the University of Pennsylvania and the first ...
我有一本《狄瑾蓀的詩》(Comprehensive Study Guide to Twenty Poems by Emily Dickinson)(1974年2月2版),由台灣新亞出版社有限公司(Hsin Ya Publishing Company)出版。我一直覺得這間出版社跟香港的「今日世界社」有淵源,但沒有刻意尋求資料查證。 今天偶然翻出《美國劃時代作品評論集》(Landmarks of American ...
Following her return from Mount Holyoke, Emily Dickinson almost never left Amherst again, rarely even leaving the grounds of her family home. Later in life she took to dressing entirely in white.Much is made of Dickinson's reclusive life, the fact that she never married, and the focus on ...