The Ecology of Oil: Environment, Labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900-1938 by Myrna I. Santiago Environmental history is the study of the relationship between society and the natural world—both in terms of human impacts on the environment, and the constraints placed upon cultures by the lan...
We've been curating a list of the best books on nature and the environment for over thirty years, first in a brick an...
The Ecology of Oil: Environment, Labor, and the Mexican Revolution, 1900-1938 by Myrna I. Santiago Environmental history is the study of the relationship between society and the natural world—both in terms of human impacts on the environment, and the constraints placed upon cultures by the lan...
The Nature of Design : Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention Earth in Mind: On Education, Environment, and the Human Prospect The Last Refuge: Patriotism, Politics, and the Environment in an Age of Terror Lester R. Brown (bio) Plan B 2.0: Rescuing a Planet Under Stress and a Civilization...
Reviews are provided for 24 books published over the years 2006–2011 which have been received by Biodiversity and Conservation. These are in the general areas of ecology and the environment, mammals, birds, plants, evolution, and the human dimension of biodiversity, plus a miscellaneous work. ...
Oak Knoll, North Carolina, has been the ideal community for Valerie Alston-Holt, a professor of forestry and ecology, to raise her gifted biracial son, Xavier. But their tranquil home is upended when the nouveau riche Whitman family razes the house and trees next door to build themselves a...
An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology £46.95 More Info Sedimentary Rocks in the Field £31.95 More Info Microclimate: The Biological Environment £351.95 More Info Pesticide Application Methods £275.00 More Info Handbook of Bird Biology £102.95 More Info Biogeography £62.95 More Inf...
Books in Brief: Urban Health, Health Disparities the SOCIETY and POPULATION HEALTH READER, VOLUME 2: A STATE and COMMUNITY PERSPECTIVE, Edited by Alvin R. ... List of recommended reference books. 'Dictionary of Ecology and Environment,' Fourth Edition, by P.H. Collins; 'The Encyclopedia of ...
Primate Adaptation and Evolution £49.99 More Info Wetzel's Limnology £105.00 More Info Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae £135.00 More Info Bark Beetle Management, Ecology, and Climate Change £133.00 More Info A Natural History of Bat Foraging £115.00 More Info The Migration Ec...
We publish and sell books on cultural heritage, social history, visual arts, environment and architecture of Southeast Asia. Our bookshop is located at 72, Lebuh Acheh, George Town, Penang, Malaysia, and is open 10am-6pm daily.