The books about crystals that are reviewed below were chosen based on my personal preferences, but this is only my opinion. There may be other books on crystals that I don't know about out there, and if so I would love to hear about them. The order of the reviews does not in any w...
The phrase “one cohesive body of work” and the reference elsewhere to the works as “artists’ books” indicate that the publisher has more in mind. Weems’ two volumes rise to the intention. They stand on their own but also capture elements of the artist’s larger body of work. In ...
what it means, how it made us modern and then post-modern — all that and more — have been the subject of countless books, essays and web pages. Those on which this essay/exhibition has relied for such insights can be found under the heading “Further Reading (...
and luxury, of escaping civilization and getting closer to nature – and at times to danger and devastation. In the era of industry and empire, the palm and its myriad meanings were exported to far colder climes.Palms were shown off as exceptional performers in iconic greenhouses and used to...
Crystals for Beginners Karen Frazier The Guide to Get Started with the Healing Power of Crystals 3.3 (29 ratings) Listen to the Intro 01:46 What's Crystals for Beginners about? Crystals for Beginners (2017) is a helpful reference guide for anyone looking to step into the world of crysta...
They are the ones who prefer listening to speaking; who innovate and create but dislike self-promotion; who favor working on their own over working in teams. It is to introverts — Rosa Parks, Chopin, Dr. Seuss, Steve Wozniak — that we owe many of the great contributions to society. ...
Rock Crystals, Theby Asif Saba Salvoby Randy Lee Higgins, Ph.D. Sergeant Hanluc, and the Missing Studentsby Dsjen Hanluc Terol McCullar Sunday Morning Experience, Theby Archie Carter Tips on Staying Aliveby L. Neal Pearcy ...
The script was finished in late 1931 and the production was filmed in January 1932. McCall wanted to work on the script, but Zanuck told her that the studio “never employed writers on their own work.” He also rejected the title as “too arty” and said the film would be called (...
She relies on the absence and presence of the sculptures to convey her perspective. In two particular images without any monument — one of a plantation field and one of swamp land — absence is entirely the point; these are the places slaves died. A much earlier series — Slave Coast (...
their hands”. He notes this as another mind-bender added to the puzzlement of the two-sided system with which the book begins. Yet the prelims foretold us that the upside-downness, back-to-frontness and self-reflexivity of images of images were on their way. Without doubt,Cover to ...